Saudi Cable Company: Prestigious honor of being invited by the President of Eritrea

From: Semere Asmelash <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 07:13:09 +0000 (UTC)

Saudi Cable Company

January 20, 2017 at Events, News

We had the prestigious honor of being invited by the President of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, to develop business development opportunities.

The invitation was participated by Saudi Cable Company and Hidada, sister company under Xenel Group.

The visit was a resounding success as President Isaias Afwerki, outlined the countries active and future projects in the energy and water sectors.

The 118,000 squared kilometer country is on the brink of developing great infrastructure projects that will enhance the utilities and services offered to the people of Eritrea.

Saudi Cable Company and Hidada had the pleasure of accepting the invitation and will work with great commitment to gain a long term relationship with the President and the country.
Received on Fri Jan 20 2017 - 02:13:10 EST

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