ANSA: EU plan to close Libya-Italy migrant route

From: Semere Asmelash <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 16:44:10 +0000 (UTC)

EU plan to close Libya-Italy migrant route

Plan to be presented in Malta on February 3

25 JANUARY, 2017

BRUSSELS - EU Foreign Affairs High Representative Federica Mogherini and the European Commission will present a plan to reduce the flow of migrants on the central Mediterranean route between Libya and Italy at an informal summit in Malta on February 3, the EC said Wednesday.

It said the measures are focused on fighting human smuggling and trafficking networks, helping to manage migratory flows more effectively, continuing to save lives at sea and improving the living conditions of migrants and refugees in Libya and neighbouring countries.

"Too many people are still dying in the Mediterranean," said European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. "We have implemented actions to address the situation but we need to do more.

"Today we are presenting possible short and medium term actions to address the flows to and from North Africa. First and foremost, stability in Libya and the region as a whole is required. "While continuing our support to this process, we can take forward actions to help make a difference, save lives and break the smugglers' and traffickers' business model - which will also impact the flows towards Europe".

Common approach with Italy, Malta on Libya, Mogherini says

Italy and Malta's initiatives "adapt perfectly" to the EU plan to reduce migrant fluxes from Libya, EU Foreign Affairs High Representative Federica Mogherini said Wednesday. She added that there was a "common approach" with Italy and Malta.
Received on Wed Jan 25 2017 - 11:44:58 EST

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