Diarimes: The archaeologist Eudald Carbonell travels to Eritrea in a new campaign of excavations

From: Semere Asmelash <semereasmelash_at_ymail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 16:29:21 +0000 (UTC)



The archaeologist Eudald Carbonell travels to Eritrea in a new campaign of excavations

Carbonell heads the research team along with Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro, both assigned to the IPHES Tarragona

Updated 01/27/2017 at 15:06

A research team march on Saturday to Eritrea. Directed by Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro, ICREA research professor and Eudald Carbonell, Professor of Prehistory at the University Rovira i Virgili (URV), both assigned to the Catalan Institute of Human Paleo-Ecology and Social Evolution (IPHES) located in Tarragona, have planned a new campaign of excavation and exploration in the basin Engel-Ela RAMUDO in the Danakil depression (Eritrea), near the border with Ethiopia.

The Danakil Depression is one of the most inhospitable regions of the world. It is a stony desert where practically every day of the year there were over 50ºC and 55ºC even those, and they rarely fall below 20ºC. It is inhabited by the Afar tribe, who still live in very precarious conditions, in huts of stone and logs, with lots of water scarcity, and an economy based on small herds of grazing goats, donkeys and camels bearing While heat and September

In this basin, during the last four field campaigns conducted in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016, the research team has located a very complete stratigraphic series that for over 6 million years until practically the currently, and she found fossils of large mammals (elephants, hippos, pigs, large cattle, gazelles, horses, hyenas) and other vertebrates such as crocodiles and turtles, as well as numerous stone tools, some of them very old of the Pleistocene, now in the process of dating and could have more than two million years old.

The team also includes research and the archeologist Xosé Pedro Rodriguez-Alvarez, head of research IPHES; paleontologists Tsegai Medin, assigned to the Eritrean IPHES through a postdoctoral fellowship funded by foundations and Atapuerca Palarq equally; Sergio Ros-Montoya, an archaeologist at the University of Málaga, Granada and cooperating Francisco Perez Benitez, as well as several members assigned to the National Museum of Eritrea, as its director Dr. Yosief Libsekal and Mr. Dawit Araia.

Also, between 27 February and 2 March, the research project will be presented RAMUDO Engel Ela-Mobile Youth Festival in Barcelona (Barcelona Yomo), to be held at the Mobile World Congress 2017 in Fira Montjuic, where more than 20,000 secondary school students from Catalonia and throughout Spain, will move to Barcelona over the four days to participate in this international showcase of science and technology. Will be released through 'Science in Your World', an initiative promoted by major research centers and media professionals in collaboration with educators and technology experts.

The research project Engel-Ela RAMUDO entitled 'Cradle of Mankind: Eritrea-Rift Valley', is funded and managed by the Foundation Palarq from the Atapuerca Foundation.

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Received on Fri Jan 27 2017 - 11:29:48 EST

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