African-American History Month Celebration Hosted by NAACP San Jose/Silicon Valley Chapter on Friday, February 3, 2017 @ 5PM

From: fitsum Keflezighi <>
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2017 06:44:41 +0000

Selam Deki Ere _at_ Dehai.

Please post the attached public notice. Thank you.

Eternal Glory to our Martyrs!

Wetru Awet n'Hafash!

For ECCDC(San Jose),

Fitsum Keflezighi

From: fitsum Keflezighi <>
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 10:37 PM
Subject: African-American History Month Celebration Hosted by NAACP San Jose/Silicon Valley Chapter on Friday, February 3, 2017 _at_ 5PM

Hello Everyone,

As you all know, February is African-American History Month. We have received an official invitation from Rev. Moore, the NAACP San Jose/Silicon Valley President to attend the African-American History Month Ceremonial Flag Raising to officially open African-American history month. The data and time is Feb 3rd starting at 5pm at San Jose City Hall in down town, see attached flyer for details. As those who attended our 25th Independence Anniversary Celebration know, Rev. Moore was our guest of honor and gave a great speech. Amanuel Tesfamariam recorded his speech and uploaded to youtube, below is the link. As you can listen at the end, he invited our community and all of us to plan to attend the Feb 3rd event back then and he asked to come wearing traditional dress/clothes. Rev. Moore is a good friend of our community, so lets attend this even in large numbers and show our support. After all this is our history and we are the benefiters of the incredible sacrifice paid by the many African-American generations.

Since the event is at San Jose City Hall in down town and close to our community, for those who can lets meet at our community at 4pm and carpool:

I know the event is on during weekdays and might be hard to meet at 4pm, if you can't make it go straight to City Hall.

Ladies, please wear traditional dress!!

- Feb 3, at 4pm

435 Park Ave.

San Jose, CA 95110

Eritrean 25th Anniversary: NAACP of San Jose, CA<><>
Eritrean 25th Silver Anniversary in San Jose, CA: Congratulatory & Historical message of NAACP

Hope to see you there!


on behalf of Eritrean Community Cultural & Development Center(ECCDC)


Eritrean 25th Anniversary: NAACP of San Jose, CA<>
Eritrean 25th Silver Anniversary in San Jose, CA: Congratulatory & Historical message of NAACP

Received on Sat Jan 28 2017 - 01:44:45 EST

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