Shabait: Statement by Minister of Eritrean Foreign Affairs Mr. Osman Saleh to the Press

From: Semere Asmelash <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 18:43:16 +0000 (UTC)

Statement by Minister of Eritrean Foreign Affairs Mr. Osman Saleh to the Press

Moscow, 30 January 2017

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

Let me begin by thanking Minister Sergei Lavrov and the government of the Russian federation for the invitation extended to us to visit Moscow for bilateral consultations with a view to consolidate our ties and cooperation.

I and my delegation have just concluded very fruitful discussions with Minister Lavrov and his colleagues. I also had the honour to deliver to the Minister a written message from my President, Isaias Afwerki, to President Putin.

This is my third visit to Russia in two years. Other Eritrean officials have also visited Russia during that time.

During our current visit to Russia, we will have additional meetings with Ministers and Vice-Ministers of Agriculture, Trade and Industry as well as Education and Science. We will also meet officials of a number of Russian companies.

Eritrea and the Russian federation share similar views and approaches on major global and regional issues. Eritrea appreciates Russia’s growing constructive role in international affairs.

Our two countries are keen to grow and deepen cooperation in many areas, including trade, investment, services, agriculture and education as well as in the political and diplomatic arenas.

We are confident that our talks with Minister Lavrov and other government and business officials will lead to concrete measures that will bolster bilateral ties and contribute to regional peace and stability.

I thank you.
Received on Mon Jan 30 2017 - 13:43:17 EST

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