(Reuters) FACTBOX-EU leaders push measures to stop African immigration from Libya

From: Semere Asmelash <semereasmelash_at_ymail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 20:02:23 +0000 (UTC)


FACTBOX-EU leaders push measures to stop African immigration from Libya

by Reuters

Monday, 30 January 2017 16:36 GMT

By Gabriela Baczynska

BRUSSELS, Jan 30 (Reuters) - European Union leaders meet in Malta on Friday to give their political backing to a series of new measures aimed at stemming the flow of migrants from the Libyan coast to Italy.

The perilous Mediterranean crossing is now the main migrant route to Europe, after a EU-Turkish deal last year that has slashed the numbers arriving in Greece via Turkey. The EU, beset by disputes over the uncontrolled arrival of some 1.5 million refugees and migrants in the past two years, is determined to shut it down.

Below are key elements of a draft declaration, seen by Reuters, to be made by the EU leaders in Malta.

- "We are determined to take additional action to stem migratory flows along the Central Mediterranean route and break the business model of smugglers... We will step up our work with Libya as the main country of departure as well as with its North African and sub-Saharan neighbours. Our actions will be carried out in full respect for human rights and international law" and in conjunction with the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) and International Organization for Migration (IOM).

- "In Libya, capacity building is key for the authorities to acquire control over the land and sea borders and to combat transit and smuggling activities... The EU will also step up cooperation with and assistance to Libyan regional and local communities."

This section reflects the fact that the U.N.-backed government in Tripoli does not control the country, where state structures collapsed after the 2011 overthrow of veteran leader Muammar Gaddafi. Much of Libya is run by militias and tribes which play a role in the smuggling business, EU officials say.

- Leaders would agree to provide and fund more training, equipment and support to the Libyan national coastguard, and seek to break smugglers' networks; they would also seek to ensure "adequate reception capacities and conditions in Libya for migrants". The EU hopes it could provide funding to the UNHCR and IOM to set up such sites.

- The EU would attempt to step up voluntary returns by migrants, and tell them along their route across Africa about the perils of the journey, to discourage them from trying.

- The EU would help police Libya's land borders by offering financing, training or equipment to help ensure fewer people get into Libya. It would also step up cooperation with neighbouring Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria.

- The EU would look at the possibility of sending migrants back to Libya, and the potential barriers to this, while respecting international law.

This acknowledges a significant legal risk: given that the security situation in Libya is extremely poor, returning migrants there could violate rules that prohibit sending people back to somewhere their lives could be in danger. (Editing by Mark Trevelyan)
Received on Mon Jan 30 2017 - 15:02:25 EST

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