MeridioNews - Edizione Palermo: Mered, Facebook exonerates alleged trafficker

From: Semere Asmelash <>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 09:52:33 +0000 (UTC)

Mered, Facebook exonerates alleged trafficker

"The records confirm that he did not lie"


CHRONICLE - New evidence in the trial of the man accused of being one of the leaders of the trafficking in human beings comes directly from the headquarters of the US social networks. The CD with the data has not been analyzed by the technicians, but prove that the real smuggler and the man in prison were in different countries during the period of investigation

"Here's the proof that he has never lied ." It is increasingly certain the lawyer Michele Calantropo , man defender currently detained at Pagliarelli on charges of being the dangerous boss of trafficking in human beings Yehdego Medhanie Mered . The litmus test to exonerate what for months say they Medhanie Tesfamariam Berhe , an Eritrean victim of a sensational case of mistaken identity , is within a cd delivered this morning by the prosecutor Geri Ferrara in the hands of the president of the court Raffaele Malizia . The disc contains the records relating to the Facebook account activities attributable to man in prison and what purports to be the real boss was on the loose, and people related with the investigation on the smuggling of migrants. Core information for the process, which could allow even "have a complete and accurate mapping of the movements of traffickers ," according to the Calantropo lawyer.

The request was left by the lawyers of the accused, and was submitted to the company by the US Attorney, who got the results filed yesterday. Of each profile was provided for registration dates and the ip addresses related to terminals that took place every single link to the company. In the filed there are two accounts with the same name and surname, Meda Yehdego , according to the defense due to the true yet trafficker on the loose. For one of the two profiles the record date turns out to be September 24, 2013, but the report on the use of Facebook seems to have suddenly stopped to November 22, 2015. A fact rather ambiguous, since just search on social both namesakes profiles to find that there was a use even during 2016.

There is also the account Medhanie Meda instead connected to the man in prison. From the data it would appear unequivocally that at the time of the opening of this account in October 2014 he was in Eritrea. The ip from which are the first connections were made, in fact, has been localized in the vicinity of Asmara . The same address continues until the beginning of December of the same year , then moved in Ethiopia . "These data are modeled faithfully the movements declared by my client during interrogation," says Calantropo. Also what claims to be the brother of the man in prison, Noh Tesfamariam , recently rebuilt MeridioNews the accused's movements and places and periods coincide with what emerged from the Facebook data. The same is held, in a preliminary phase, had taken the floor to reiterate that he was in Asmara with her sister for most of 2014 and have moved to Ethiopia close to the 2015 statement in stark contrast to what has been collected and reconstructed by the prosecution . As for the two profiles linked to the boss place of connection changes and throughout 2014 is Libya .

These, however, are the first hot considerations emerged from a first superficial examination by the lawyers of the material delivered yesterday to the judge. To establish exactly how to interpret the data provided by Facebook will have to await the analysis of the experts. Meanwhile, the defense continues to produce new evidence. Michele Calantropo this morning has applied to file a copy of the marriage certificate between Paulos Haile Michaele and Seghen Tesfamarian Berhe, alleged sister of man in prison, celebrated on April 27, 2015 . A document that contradicts the statement made by repentant Atta Wehabrebi Nuredin during testimony at the last hearing , during which, although not recognizing the man arrested on Mered boss, explained that he saw the prisoner in a photo posted on Facebook the same marriage, however, placing the event in 2013 .

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Received on Wed Feb 01 2017 - 04:52:56 EST

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