Eri-News 62nd Issue_04 Feb

From: Eritrean Permanent Mission to AU and UNECA <>
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2017 14:20:06 +0300

Dear Besot,

Please find attached the 62nd issue of Eri-News, dated 04 February 2017.

Articles featured in this issue:

*1. **President Isaias Elaborated on Eritrea’s Developmental Plan and
Position on Key Regional and Global Issues *

*2. **Senior Eritrean Delegation Conducted a Visit to the Russian

*3. **Eritrea and Colluli Mining Company Sign Agreement*

*4. **Eritrean Delegation Participated at the **28th AU Summit*

*5. **Eritrean Mining Sector: A Model to African Countries *

*6. **Indian Ocean Newsletter: Peddling False News on Eritrea*

*7. **Status of the Harvest this Year*

The Newsletter can be accessed online at:

Best regards,

Press Section

Received on Sun Feb 05 2017 - 06:20:09 EST

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