SputnikNews.com: Yemen: Collusion, Complicity and War Crimes

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam59_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2017 21:40:24 +0100

Yemen: Collusion, Complicity and War Crimes

Breaking The Code
18:51 06.02.2017(updated 22:16 06.02.2017) Get short URL
Liam O'Hare

With the death toll in Yemen now over 10,000, Liam O'Hare looks at the roots of this devastating conflict and the alleged war crimes committed by a Saudi-led multinational coalition sponsored in part by the United Kingdom.

The war in Yemen has left over thousands of people dead and sparked a humanitarian crisis across the nation. It has turned into a regional conflict with a Saudi-led coalition attempting to wrest control of large parts of the country from Houthi rebels. But with so much human suffering, why has the war received relatively little media coverage?

Liam O’Hare explores the ongoing conflict and the role that Britain is playing in fueling it, with the help of experts such as journalist Peter Oborne, and former UK cabinet minister Andrew Mitchell.

Received on Mon Feb 06 2017 - 15:40:26 EST

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