Adnkronos: Eritrean people-trafficking suspect extradited from Germany

From: Semere Asmelash <>
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2017 11:17:18 +0000 (UTC)

Eritrean people-trafficking suspect extradited from Germany


Germany on Wednesday extradited to Italy an Eritrean accused of belonging to a people-trafficking gang that smuggled hundreds of people from Africa to Europe across the Mediterranean.

Fitiwi Negash arrived at Rome's Fiumicino airport under police guard aboard a flight from the German city of Frankfurt.

He was on an Interpol list of "most wanted" trafficking suspects and was among 24 Etritrean, Ethiopians, Ivoirians and Guineans targeted in April 2015 by a probe spearheaded by prosecutors in Palermo.

Negash played a key role in the trafficking gang's Italian operations and organised the transfer of migrants to various northern European countries after they arrived by boat in Sicily from North Africa, investigators said.

The alleged gang had bases in the Sicilian provinces of Agrigento and Catania as well as in the capital Rome and the northern city of Milan.

>From Italy, the gang trafficked migrants on to Germany, Norway, Sweden and other countries, police said.

The gang organised the migrants' entire journeys from their villages to the Libyan coast and had affiliates in other European countries as well as in several African countries, according to investigators.


Frankfurt - Palermo one way. Extradited Negash, the trafficker Eritrean men


The Great Escape Negash, a leader of the smuggling of migrants, is over this morning. Negash was extradited from Germany and handed over by the German authorities to the Italian ones in Fiumicino. The trafficker Eritrean Fitiwi Negash , from Frankfurt, is now available to the Italian authorities. Against him hangs an order for remand in prison for criminal association, aiding illegal immigration and illegal stay of foreigners. Negash is investigated in ' investigation Glauco II , coordinated by the District Attorney of Palermo, which in April 2015 had made it possible to unravel a criminal organization, with the execution of a restrictive measure against twenty-four Africans among Eritreans, Ethiopians, Ivorians, Guineans and Ghanaians.

The investigation, carried out by squads of Agrigento and Palermo and the Central Operational Service , had helped to identify the "Italian cell" of the "network" criminal who - as a complement to the one operating in African territory - acted mainly in the provinces of Agrigento, Catania, Rome and Milan, favoring the illegal stay of illegal migrants and facilitating the subsequent emigration to other EU countries, including Germany, Norway and Sweden. In particular, Negash was particularly active, in Sicily, to stimulate, organize and carry out the transfer of illegal immigrants to various countries of Northern Europe.

The Eritrean, among other things, has been listed as the most dangerous fugitives , active in the smuggling of migrants. But despite the effort of the investigators and prosecutors - also supported by the Italian diplomacy, in constant contact with the Libyan government to Serraj - the exodus from Africa does not know rest.

In just over a month, between 1 January and 7 February, they were 9,349 migrants landed on Italian shores. A boom, according to a comparison of the Interior Ministry, with the data for the same period of 2016 when to land were 6,030 migrants. Even less in 2015 with 3,709 people arrived in Italy from January to 7 February. The port with the highest number of arrivals is to Augusta (2228), follows Catania (1476). Trapani (1104), Reggio Calabria (872) and Lampedusa (858). The region with the largest number of migrants is welcomed Lombardy (13%), followed by Lazio, Veneto, Piedmont, Campania and Sicily (8%), Emilia Romagna and Puglia (7%), Liguria, Sardinia, Calabria, Friuli, brands (3%), Abruzzo, Molise and Umbria (2%), Bolzano and Trento (1%) Valle d'Aosta (0.2%).

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Eritrean people-trafficking suspect extradited from Germany-VIDEO
Received on Thu Feb 09 2017 - 06:17:43 EST

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