Membership Drive Eritrean Community In Winnipeg Inc Manitoba Canada

From: eritrean Community In WINNIPEG <>
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2017 05:23:15 -0700 (MST)

Eritrean Community in Winnipeg Inc . Bringing a Proud African History and Culture In Canada
Community Description & Programs/Services


The Eritrean Community in Winnipeg Inc. (TECW) is an Ethno cultural Organization that formally incorporated in 1985. The aim of the community is clearly stated in the articles of incorporation and implemented through the Mission, Vision and by-laws as approved by the offices of the government of Manitoba and the general assembly of the registered members of the Eritrean Community in Winnipeg Inc. The Eritrean Community in Winnipeg has new bylaws . Please visit our website and follow up on our postings and gradual completion of bylaws posting and programs at :

The implementation of its Mission and Vision is done through multifaceted community involvement. The execution of programs is done with the assistance of hundreds of volunteers. The organization is funded primarily through membership, but also from generous donations and fundraising events. Currently there are 427 registered members in a community that serves more than 3000 Eritrean Canadians residing in Manitoba. Our community Centre located at 346 Hargrave Avenue serves primarily the young generation with Family , Women and youth oriented programs.

We have established a Facebook Page: Eritrea Hade Libi. Our official website: .

The following programs are implemented on a yearly basis some of which are implemented in collaboration with other agencies. The primary focus of the community is reflected in the following programs and activities:

        * Family and Youth Oriented Programs
        * Heritage Programs: Eritrean Languages and Cultural School with 70-90 children attending regular language and cultural classes. The program employs four to seven teachers annually, and 2-3 youth teaching assistants. The program is run by the parent's council consisting of a committee of 6-8 parents elected bi-annually. The program runs at Hugh John Macdonald School on 567 Bannatyne Avenue from September to June.
        * Tutoring Program: A newcomer youth after-school and summer program tailored to the needs and educational and integration challenges that African Youth face as newcomers. It runs in coalition with the Sudanese, Congolese, and Sierra Leone Communities. The Eritrean Community in Winnipeg Inc. is one of the founding members of the Newcomers Youth Educational Support Services (NYESS) Coalition that coordinates the tutoring of 200 African youth in 4 different sites of the city. Each site program employs one coordinator, a community educator/teacher, and 8-10 tutors.
        * The Summer Program: 30-50 youth every year under the supervision of young adults who enjoy academic learning, and summer activities at the Hugh Macdonald School on 567 Bannatyne Avenue and the Eritrean Community Center at 346 Hargrave. This program employs 6-8 youth every summer and it’s more focused on younger children age 6 to 14 at the level of education, English language skills, integration summer camp and extra curriculum activities.
        * Strengthening Family Programs in Collaboration with Mount Carmel Clinic and Mosaic Center, in collaboration with the General Authority.
        * In total the TECW employs 15 part- time teachers and tutors that assist with the implementation of the Youth the Family oriented programs. They are all and regular payroll, CRA and WBC regulations.
        * The service recipient (any interested family or individual ) needs simply to register the children at the program. An additional active outreach program is in place to assist newcomers and families with special needs in order to improve accessibility to all programs.
        * General Interest Programs (Public)
        * Occupational Health Program: A team of 6 trained workers by the Occupational Health Center(OHC) provides critical information about safety at work and workers’ rights at the workplace, which is delivered in first language. The Eritrean Community in Winnipeg Inc. in collaboration with the OHC has developed materials and videos. Bi-monthly workshops are provided to newcomers that are welcomed to the community upon arrival and a dinner session is provided in an orientation evening. (A video co-produced with OHC is available-a Hallmark pioneer work of TECW in this area)
        * Money management classes and assistance in purchasing power for New Canadians, in collaboration with SEED for low income families in English and first language (in an effort to eliminated access barriers to newcomers).
        * Driving Classes for oral test preparation and road test assistance in first language for newcomers and special focus on empowering gender and marginalized persons within the community struggling with social issues.

        * Women Oriented Programs
        * The Eritrean Photography Project helped 12 single female heads of household, learn photography. The program focused in empowering single headed families and particularly women and their children by using arts and by the teaching photography skills. The photography project also aimed to reinforce parental roles during the challenging inter-generational, transitional stage of integration in a new society. A video produced by TECW is available)
        * Women’s group support network, with regular meetings and support of families and Youth
        * The Eritrean Canadian Women's Organization of Manitoba Inc gathers at the community Center and promotes women issues and Community Unity
        * Youth Programs
            * In addition to the Tutoring, Heritage and Summer Program a Video Pool project where youth use arts as a vehicle of integration was successfully implemented in 2007 and a link to video arts has been established were youth are involved in video production (a video has been produced showing the youth achievements in this area)
            * Soccer and Basketball teams and regular sports activities at central park and Huge John Macdonald School and St Vital soccer Fields.
            * Folkorama activities and yearly participation and representation of Eritrea in collaboration with the African Pavilion
            * Community Services Events Festivities and general activities
        * Celebration of major Eritrean and Canadian Holidays
        * National Eritrean Holidays
        * National Canadian Holidays
        * Religious Holidays
        * Family oriented Picnics
        * Annual Graduation of grade 12 students
        * Park days, zoo visits and school ceremonies Workshops on different subjects
        * Eritrean and Canadian Citizenship Classes and information Sessions
        * Information about services available to Eritrean Citizens in reference to the Eritrean Consulate of the State of Eritrea in Toronto
        * Newcomers sessions and orientation
        * New Employee orientation sessions
        * Tutors and parents’ conferences on educational issues
        * Gang Awareness issues in Collaboration of the RCMP and Winnipeg Police
        * Mental Health Awareness Sessions
        * Stress management, adaptation and integration with workshops from various speakers local and international

Other events in Collaboration with the Wider Community

    * Collaboration with the Newcomers Educational Support Services Coalition (NYESS)
    * Collaboration with the New Immigrant Center (The board Room hosts permanently a piece of Art created by the Eritrean Photography Project)
    * Collaboration with the African Communities of Manitoba (ACOMI)
    * Ebola campaign and fund-raising efforts and project implementation in Guinea West Africa in collaboration with other African Communities and the African Communities of Manitoba ACOMI
    * Collaboration with Manitoba Arts Council
    * Collaboration with Winnipeg Arts Council
    * Collaboration with Video Pool
    * Homeland development and information on Investment in Eritrea

    * 1-2 Projects that are co-organized with other NGO e.g. General authority, Child and family Services on issues affecting newcomers and immigrant families.

The community is also a member of CECCO and joins the voices of thousands of Eritrean Canadian in Promoting a Strong relationship between Eritrea and Canada and by advocating for Eritean-Canadians rights for more visit

    * Starting December 1st 2016 the community center at 346 Hargrave has open services on the following hours: Every Tuesday from 01:00 am to 05:00 p.m. Thursday from 04:00 to 08:00 p.m. and Saturday from 06:00 to 10:00. Solomun G/her will answer to membership and other community issues by appointment or by dropping at the 346 Center . Always better to make an appointment by telephone prior to coming by calling 204 2508219.

    * DECEMBER 2nd 2016 THE COMMUNITY CENTER AT 346 HARGRAVE STARTED providing social gathering services with food , light drinks

games and activities. The center will be open Fridays and Saturdays from 05:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m and will have light snacks , freshly prepared injera and food.
        * The community remains open for youth tutoring program every Monday , Wednesday and Thursday from 04:30 to 07:30 pm. Tigisti is looking for volunteer tutors and community support to help our newcomer children that are struggling at school and within the family. Our children are coming directly from school and our caterer has a warm meal before they start their after-school work . At present the group of existing tutors has maximized efforts but still support is needed with volunteer tutors that can work one to one at many different levels from grade 1 to grade 12. Tigisti Abay Asmerom a community educator/teacher and 10 par-time and casual tutors are employed at this program in combination with the summer youth Program
        * The Eritrean Language and Culture School is continuing its services with 6 employed teachers and serves 70 students this year. Please inform all newcomers of the services available.

            * All members have joined the effort to open the center to our community members and newcomers by getting involved in different levels of supporting the community efforts together with the and our volunteer caterer, club managers and all efforts of the new board.
            * On Sundays we are running driving oral test preparation in mother tongue language from 04:00 to 06:00 p.m. A new group just started and registration is still ongoing.
            * O n Sundays we are running the SEED classes for money management mostly for newcomers from 01:30-3:30 . 20-30 families are participating at the Eritrean Community center at present . Newcomer families and individuals are being assisted in a money management course , networking and assistance is provided with matching funds by enrolment in different projects.
            * You can forward all you feedback and concerns to the above emails for discussion or any community issues and opinions .
            * Newcomers orientation session and with lunch and a welcome message to our newcomers are ongoing . Please invite any newcomer you know. Location Community Center 346 Hargrave.
            * In collaboration with a federal program we provide the Occupational health session to newcomers. Please see attached video created by the Eritrean Community In Winnipeg Inc in collaboration with the Occupational Health Program in Manitoba
            * People that have sponsored through our community are invited to attend all important meetings at the community center collectively or individually. These meetings are important for services available to members and newcomers. Canadian and Eritrean Government Services referrals are provided. guarantors forms for newcomers are being signed for eligible members and letter of reference being given. Information of Eritrean Citizenship Renewal ID is being facilitated and Canadian Documents is being facilitated.

        * Please visit our website as its being upgraded. Your feedback is important. We are also posting updated information related to community Programs
        * Our legal issues committee is regularly following up with continues updates .
        * Last but not least the community is in a process of upgrading all existing programs. Preparation for our 2017 an 2018 programs is in progress .We are asking members to fulfill community dues by paying their membership See new guidelines as per new bylaws
        * A membership committee person will be calling you to update you membership and ask you to participate in our volunteer programs in every possible capacity.

In Unity we challenge our odds and succeed

Eritrean Community in Winnipeg Inc . Bringing a Proud African History and Culture In Canada
Received on Sat Feb 11 2017 - 07:38:18 EST

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