Interview with President Isaias Afwerki: Full Excerpts

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 13:10:13 +0100

 Interview with President Isaias Afwerki: Full Excerpts

Written by shabait Administrator |   
Sunday, 19 February 2017 06:09 |

·The four-hour long interviews were broadcast live by Eri- Tv/Radio last week. Profile will serialize a condensed version of these Interviews starting from this issue.

Q:-Mr. President, best wishes to you and to our readers on the occasion of the New Year. What are the key GOE development plans for this year?
President Isaias Afwerki: First and foremost I would like to convey my best wishes, even if somewhat belated, for the New Year to the Eritrean people at home and abroad.
Energy has for long remained a priority development program for the government. Indeed, electricity supply constituted the biggest challenge facing the nation’s development plans from the outset. The Hirgigo power plant was thus constructed almost immediately after independence early in the 1990s to catalyze sectoral developmental plans. For a variety of reasons, including timely maintenance failures, the status of the energy sector and electricity supply in the past few years have been dismal.
The main priority now is to embark on sustainable expansion of energy services. This will require both the development of new supplies and more efficient utilization of current energy resources.
Efficiency must be a core objective. The first measure taken to promote efficiency is to charge the real cost of energy. Secondly, major investments are being made to restructure the national electric power supply system. New, higher voltage lines are being installed in the electrical grid in order to increase transmission and distribution efficiency. The challenges of distributing electricity on a nationwide scale through a single interconnected system are massive of course. The notion of expecting the Hirgigo Power plant to provide electricity to far off areas such as Tesseney, Omhajer, Sel’a, Assab, Qarura, cannot be cost-effective and feasible.
The Hirgigo power plant was initially supposed to produce 120 megawatt of energy; output decreased overtime due to maintenance bottlenecks over the years. Now, installation works are underway for the 50 Megawatt generators that will be added to the system pursuant to purchase agreements signed with a Chinese company in the past. There is also a new, additional, project in the pipeline for 120 Megawatt diesel power generation. Electricity outages and shortages – the cement factory in Massawa could not, for instance, operate at full capacity - that affected our development plans in the past have thus been removed.
The cluster of agricultural and food processing factories in the Western Development Zone - notably in Gerset and Fanco, Kerekebet, Tessenei, Ali-ghider – other developmental programmes, Sawa.. etc, are currently receiving continuous electricity supply. This has been secured through stand-alone power plants in the region. Haikota, Akordat and Sel’a will be connected to this network shortly.
Eritrea’s energy strategy is also anchored on diversification. The options and prospects for renewable energy -.i.e wind, solar and geothermal – are good. The renewable energy projects underway are expected to bolster existing power generation by some 80 Megawatts. Solar energy is economical and utility scale wind and geothermal resources may provide a cheaper alternative to the current diesel-generated electricity. Recognizing this, we are investing substantially in solar energy development and in wind and geothermal energy studies. Geothermal energy development in Eritrea will have an important input in alleviating expenditure on foreign currency while safeguarding the environment from adverse impact of fossil fuels. The project will advance work beyond the survey stage toward eventual project development in the future. Given the key role energy has in maintaining and increasing the quality of life, these efforts need to be supported by all those involved in Eritrea’s national development process.
In summary, for an emerging, developing country such as Eritrea, alternative, renewable sources of energy represent an extremely effective component within broader national development goals, and they directly and positively impact the lives of our citizens. Our development plans are in place to support new projects while augmenting existing ones, in doing so we are hoping to raise the current 70-80 megawatt of energy produced nation-wide to 200 megawatts; 80 from renewable energy and 120 from the existing ones.
Investment in water infrastructure is another government undertaking of high priority. Initially, we have to secure the national demand for potable water, and then we need to have water for industrial purpose as well as livestock and agriculture. This is a scheme that has been in the works for a long while. Recently built Gergera and the Teqera dams (including Mai Nefhi) are located within the environs of Asmara. Good rainfall in 2016 has contributed in these dams amassing substantial amounts of water. But the crucial point of reservoirs is not amassing water; the issue is how to utilize it. We have also collected a lot in Kerkebet Dam. Over-all, in the years 2015-2016, these new reservoirs have harvested a total of 250 million cubic meters of water. But the challenge of the optimal utilization of the water harvested has not so far been fully addressed. There is another big project of dam building underway in Gahtelay. When this is finalized sometime in 2017, the aggregate volume of water collected will be around 300 million cubic meters. Our water infrastructure building scheme is intertwined with our approach of the three development zones; the West, the East and the Highlands. The water structures we build must ensure meeting the demands – potable, industrial and agriculture – in all the three development zones respectively. The issue of water is seized, by dividing it into three developmental zones. The West, the Highland and the East, and each of these zones are envisaged to be self-reliant. The Gergera Dam can for instance be partially diverted and utilized to supply Hazemo in view of the huge potential of agriculture and demand for water in that area. Simultaneously, we can build water pipelines eastwards to supply Korbarya and Dekemhare; westwards to cater for Mendefera as well as Tsilma. Asmara’s water needs can also be supplanted by similar network of water pipelines. In 2017 these reservoirs are expected to supply not only Asmara but also other urban areas. The Gahtelay project which is already in the pipeline is expected to be finished this year. This will distribute water, all the way to the Northern Border with Sudan to small reservoirs in the region, and is highly expected to provide secure water to the inhabitants of the region.
All in all, these three developmental regions have to secure water and continuous energy supply. Efforts to realize these goals will continue in this current year. We can confidently say we have the necessary projects already implemented or near completion that ensure the fruition of the aforementioned goals.
The building and maintenance of road infrastructure plays a paramount role in enhancing socio-economic development, commerce and greater interaction between the different national constituent groups. At the moment, road transportation is largely in reasonable shape, and it is the dominant mode of transportation for moving goods and passengers. However, there are acute limitations in air and marine transportation facilities which remain incongruent with the country’s locational advantages and endowments.
What we are endowed with and what has been put in place need to go side by side. This makes the rehabilitation and expansion of airports and ports imperative. In view of the stiff competition in the airlines industry, our focus initially will remain in developing the domestic and regional routes. Our developmental plans in the eastern and western zones must be bolstered by putting in place vital air transport infrastructure; notably through building/upgrading airports in Massawa, Sawa and Tesseney.
In terms of maritime transportation, the location of our two ports makes them well positioned to render services to a wide range of potential partners. Government policy in this regard is to increase the use of the two ports for the transit of goods, and to create, in the long-term, a transportation hub involving all modes of transport: liner transport: roads and railways infrastructures.
In general, our development efforts in energy, water, and transportation are closely correlated with the necessity to further improve our health and education sectors. In 2017, programs will be introduced that will provide better health and education opportunities to our citizens. It should be mentioned that Eritrea has witnessed commendable success in its health sector services over the years but, such success should not be a recipe for inertia or complacency; the need to continuously renovate and improve should be in place as well.
Q:-“A consumption-only society that does not save and invest earnings in production cannot promote economic growth and development”
Q:-2016 began with the changing of the Nakfa currency to maintain macro-economic stability. How do you analyze the implementation of these policies and how is our status in the economically decisive sectors?
President Isaias Afwerki: Various details including fiscal constancy and budget issues could be raised in addition to the three basic economic steps we consider in directing our strategies and drafting our programs. Production is the first factor that defines the economy. The status of production and output in various domains is the collective indicator for economic growth. This could comprise mining, agriculture, industrial manufacturing and tourism, among others. The first indicator to evaluate our economic growth or downturn is what we are producing.
As I have mentioned earlier, energy, water, transportation, communications, education, and health are the fundamental domains. There is no way of promoting economic production without putting in place and reinforcing these sectors. We have a favorable climate, vast arable land and a hard-working society. To evaluate the sum of all these factors, comes the issue of food security. However, food security by itself is not the final result. We have to be able to see beyond combatting food deficiency and toil for introducing massive programs that would lead to sustainable development. How far could our agricultural development programs, including fisheries and livestock, take us in our development endeavors?
Taking the 2017 agricultural development programs, for instance, we should not be misdirected by the sufficient rainfall in 2015 and 2016, which may have led to a bountiful harvest. What if the rainfall for this year is not generous enough as the previous years? Our agricultural programs should be reinforced at every stage and phase. We can also look at the statistical data pertaining to the agricultural development programs we introduced in Kerkebet, Teseney, Fanco, Gerset, all the way to Omhajer, including programs at hand for the highlands from Tsorona to Tsilima, Asmara and its environs, and cultivable lands to the north from Karneshm to Keren. Besides, programs have been charted out and worked upon, including dairy products. Installation of processing factories also goes parallel with the growth of livestock, particularly dairy farming.
The Eastern Development Zone should be enhanced in line with the Gahtelay and other dam projects. Indeed, they should go beyond the parameters of local consumption and aim for export purposes. If we are to ensure maximally efficient use of land, we should consider other cash crops in addition to the customary sorghum, maize, wheat, barley, teff and others. Coffee farms have been assessed at large and the revitalization of the tannery industry is considered greatly in line with the agricultural development programs. Hence, considering the importance of exporting agricultural output to maintain a better financial reward, the volume of supply is important, and to ensure that level, installation of the said facilities is pertinent.
In regards to manufacturing produce, we have new networks which have started at a small scale. We have refrigeration companies put in place in Adi Guaedad, Alebu and Massawa, to preserve food products for export purposes. We have initiated a long term plastic tube and pipeline factory to support the outlined water and sewage programs. This factory we have established in Massawa should be able to meet the basic demands, although it is not our final frontier in similar programs, metal works of similar production is also another thing we will be working on. Maritime and air transportation in the port city of Massawa should also be boosted to enhance the free zone area. We can bring about industrial development from the water and energy facilities in the area.
Not only that, but the western development zone also has its own choices. We have plans to boost the Alebu, Tesseney, Gerset agro-industrial projects. These are related to production and wealth distribution, which is a basic growth indicator. We have to know the basic gauging instruments to ensure equal distribution of wealth, infrastructure and services to the general public. Distribution of wealth simply means equitable allocation of national resources. If a particular locality or region of a country is to be productive, the available facilities, including electricity, water, education, health, infrastructure, transportation, communication and others should be put in place. National wealth should be distributed equitably among citizens. Besides, it is the second indicator of economic development in addition to production.
On the third level, there is consumption, starting from the family level all the way to regional and national level. Economics is not only about production but also about consumption. In this regard, one must save earnings. A consumption-only society that does not save and invest earnings in production cannot promote economic growth and development. Especially those who live in the primary level of economic growth should be keen in saving.
Q:-Mr. President, one of the significant achievements in 2016 was the salary raises for those in the civil service. However, there are some in the civil service who did not get the raise. When will it be implemented? And the parameter for the salary raise seems to be based on education level. Don’t you think competence, productivity and seniority should have been taken into account? In line with the salary increment there comes also workplace discipline and productivity. What would you say to this effect?
President Isaias Afwerki: Salary raises have been made and are ongoing to include all government employees. The main concern here is not the salary raise but what can be done with the money once you are paid. Could it satisfy your daily needs in terms of buying foodstuffs? Can it pay house rent and other necessities? You have to know the power of one Nakfa vis-à-vis the day-to-day market. At the end of the day, rigorous measures should be taken to stabilize the market and ensure macro-economic stability.
We should ask how much is the country’s economy growing in terms of impacting the lives of citizens. When we talk about salary raises, we should also understand the currency’s buying power. Inflation in different forms could occur. Hence, appropriate measures should sustainably be taken to ensure the quality of life of citizens. All necessary elements for living have to be available.
There have been many distortions in our economy. Speculation was one factor that has been affecting our economy. The pressure it caused on the living standards of the society is not to be viewed lightly. The main victims were those in the civil service. That is why the salary raise was introduced. It is part of the equitable distribution of resources. And salary is one means of ensuring equal distribution of resources.
The process of raising salary is ongoing, stage by stage, until all those in the civil service have fully benefited. Priority will be given to those in the army, police and the security services. All those in the lowest rung of the civil service should be given priority. Records of seniority, job complexity and other necessary parameters will be also taken into account in subsequent stages of the salary adjustments process.
When we consider the military, the salary for lower ranking personnel is 1,800 Nakfa. It doesn’t stop there. Training programs must be organized in different skills so that those in the profession can work towards attaining a higher salary. The same will be applied to those in the civil service.
Finally, salary should be aligned with productivity. It should be based on where the individual works and what the individual is working on. The profession in which one is engaged should be looked at thoroughly.
We could also talk about the power of the Nakfa. One of our greatest challenges has been the shortage of residential houses. The provision of social services, especially for those in the civil service, has also been challenging. Immediately after independence, the housing projects in Asmara and Massawa were initiated. Those projects made a small contribution in solving the problem of residential houses. However, the problem still remains and is still affecting the lives of citizens. And that is not something to be left unnoticed, it should be solved. In order to solve the problem, we will have to introduce modern technology and machineries for manufacturing building materials. This must be accompanied with human resource development.
Before we talk about salary raises, all concerned government institutions should work towards solving the acute housing shortage. In order to solve the problem there should be equitable distribution of social services among the cities, semi-urban centers and villages. This includes provisions of electrical power supply, potable water, education, health, transportation and other services.
The other issue of concern is the price of consumer goods. The price of consumer goods is being manipulated by middle men. There is no direct relationship between the producer and the consumer. The distortion we are witnessing in the living standard of the society is caused by the middle men who have no sense of responsibility. All the distortions should be corrected and necessary measures should be taken.
One of the main problems is also the speculation surrounding remittances. We have reached a stage where we are witnessing forged currency in circulation. We know where the money sent by Eritrean nationals residing abroad is ending up. It falls in hands of criminals and is exchanged illegally irrespective of the legal exchange rate. In even worse cases, some of the hard currency, meant to stay in the domestic economy, is being exchanged in foreign lands. And that is the main cause for inflation. This scenario should be immediately corrected. If the living standard of citizens is to improve, a conducive atmosphere should be created. The government institutions should shoulder the responsibility of creating the conducive atmosphere. Salary raises alone are not enough. We should not tolerate the problems that have arisen over the past years, creating a burden on the lives of citizens.
Q:-“2017 will be a year when we test our capacity” President Isaias Afwerki
Q: -Mr. President how do you assess the productivity and work discipline in Eritrea?
President Isaias Afwerki: Sometimes when you observe a culture there is tendency to exaggerate actual performance or achievements. As knowledge and skills are promoted once they are applied, one has to assess whether he or she is able to apply the knowledge and skills he or she has acquired. There must also be a system for achieving this goal and for enhancing the work culture. These are the sorts of factors that determine the level of productivity.
Take the energy sector as an example. The level of knowledge and technology requirements is considerably huge. A significantly large amount has been invested in this sector. Hence, it needs to be managed and maintained properly. The effect of such efforts on the provision of services and service users is very important. With regard to the Hirgigo Power Plant, for example, one must consider whether the workers there monitor the operations properly or not; whether they maintain what has to be maintained timely or not; whether the supervisors there are discharging their responsibilities properly or not; and whether there are operationally effective work manuals. These considerations are critical.
It is not possible to repair large machines unless they are maintained on a timely basis. We can claim that we do have large infrastructural programs. For this purpose, we can also claim that we do have a large number of tractors, bulldozers, graders, loaders, etc. If these machines are not maintained on a timely basis then we need to think in terms of the costs incurred and time wasted until when they have to be repaired.
Assessing our productivity should not be limited to the aforementioned physical infrastructural investment. The intellectual and professional performance of civil servants should also be appraised properly on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis. In relation to this issue, the effect of work discipline on productivity is very significant. We may boast of the resources we have at our disposal. However, there are instances of a culture of laxity and unproductivity that should bother us. This challenge is particularly associated with the youngsters living in the cities. Hence, we need to remedy such a phenomenon.
We can talk in terms of the organizational culture and discipline we had during the liberation struggle and what we have inherited from that experience. But this is a different story. When we look at our present situation, we may talk about how we are performing and utilizing given technologies, raw materials and other resources we have at the level of a sector, a region, an industry or an enterprise. However, the most important factor in this case is how productively we use our human resources.
With regard to the productivity of those who are already employed, we are currently introducing a system for measuring the performance and productivity of individual workers and the organizations employing them in relation to all government organs. To this end, if this policy is to be fruitful, it needs to strengthen productivity and address work culture. This is our number one priority................
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Berhane Habtemariam

Received on Sun Feb 19 2017 - 07:10:16 EST

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