Fwd: Sign Petition: I Reject the COIE and SR Report ( http://eritreansmart.org/ )

From: Samuel Igbu <igbu.samuel_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2016 11:54:20 -0400

If not now, then when? If not you, then who? This is the time to act!

Eritreans and friends of Eritrea from across the world have launched a
petition to condemn repeated attempts by two UN-affiliated
integrity-challenged bodies to malign the young nation of Eritrea under the
cover of Human Rights.

The petition calls on the United Nations Human Rights Council to reject the
biased reports of the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in Eritrea and
the Special Rapporteur Shiela Keetharuth. It also urges the Council to
terminate the politically-motivated mandates of these two bodies and to
work instead for engagement and cooperation with Eritrea so that the real
struggle for human rights could be realized, not only in Eritrea but also
in the rest of the Horn of Africa region.

The next step of action:

1. Sign this online petition rejecting the COIE and SR Report.

2. Share, Share, Share this link with the attached photo on all your social
media outlets using the hashtags: ‪#‎UNHRC‬


Let's bring awareness to this politically-motivated persecution of Eritrea
and stand united to terminate the politically-motivated mandates.
TOGETHER, all things are possible!

(image/jpeg attachment: Save-the-date-Eritreans-From-UK-To-Geneva-Demonstration-on-21-June-2016.jpg)

Received on Thu Jun 02 2016 - 11:54:19 EDT

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