The obsession to go after Eritrea continues unabated and reaches a crescendo whenever there is the slightest talk of the illegally imposed sanction. We had the usual innuendo and outrageous pronouncements from the sworn enemy weyane. The sabre- rattling à la the nominal Prime Minister of Ethiopia is a vivid example of how corrupt the international order is. If you are a country like Ethiopia and have a friend in court like the USA, you can bully and threaten your peaceful neighbour with impunity.
Of late, the warmongering rhetoric of the prime minister of the thuggish and brutal minority regime of Ethiopia has been beyond measure. Of course we know why. As the wrath of the people of Ethiopia engulfs it, the regime believes externalizing the problem may offer a respite and a stay of execution and as usual Eritrea is there to be blamed. At any rate only time will tell whether this strategy will deliver. Nonetheless we cannot take less seriously the hostile rhetoric of villains as a headless chicken wouldn’t know where it is going.
But what can one say about individual members of institutions who pretend to be so much concerned about Eritrea more than the Eritreans themselves. It is bewildering to comprehend what motivates them to wantonly take up issues with the country.
Two latest entrants into this morally repugnant contest are the European Parliament and The All-Party Parliamentary Group of the UK House of Lords.
I do not intend to refute the contents of their resolution item by item. We have seen this list long ago and many times. The hypocrisy and bias is repulsive. The steps taken by the group members from both institutions, are simply steps that make both parliaments look ridiculous. What is so absurd here is not the fact that the groups showed concern and interest about Eritrea. Advocacy for the promotion of good governance is to be appreciated but it is the complete disregard for the veracity and authenticity of the evidence material they used to take such wrongful action that dumbfounds one.
The information they have marshaled to give credence to their defilement narration on the state of affairs in Eritrea is a copy and paste material we have known for years now. The resolutions of the European Parliament didn’t even bother to moderate the disrespectful and profane language used in the report of all previous entities who had developed excessive hatred prejudice and bigotry against Eritrea and its government.
Invariably and without exception all the information upon which their motions are based, originate from sources preoccupied with regime change agenda. These forces have gathered voluminous fabricated, and massaged information for the purpose of denigrating the government and people of Eritrea.
Obviously there is no denying the fact that, like any other country, Eritrea has problems and faces huge challenges and is endeavouring to address these according to what it deems appropriate. But also, unlike many other countries, Eritrea is led by self-assertive, and confident government that is hell bent on owning its socioeconomic development programs. Taking full responsibility for your own affairs and while embracing mutually beneficial partnership are the whole marks of the government of the State of Eritrea. And there lies the problem for the hegemonic forces!
For both the group members of both parliaments, there is a question of morality here. As members of the legislative bodies, one would expect them to check facts in pursuit of truth. More than anybody else, as members of parliament, they are aware (one would expect), that being well informed is critical to address appropriately to real issues. Surely as members of parliament, they also consider themselves as knowledgeable and competent in the requirement of the rules of evidence in any jurisdiction.
But why are these group of people showing an abhorrent lack of accepted standards and simply recycle the incriminating lies? Are they deliberately doing their share to undermine and weaken Eritrea with the view to regime change? Or are they really ignorant of the actual situation and the driving forces obtaining in the country? Or are they simply negligent of their code of ethics?
Remarkably, nothing in the litany of their resolution, do the parliamentarians mention the core source of the conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia while in point of fact this should have been the critical area where they can show the relevance of their intervention and competence?
I do not subscribe to the conclusion that the European Parliament is inherently ethically corrupt. But I see in the resolution passed by this particular group is a serious violation, because it deprives constituent people of their right to know the truth. This resolution lacks extreme and serious credibility because it is built on information by reporters who themselves lack truthfulness, neutrality and detachment.
The originators of the information (all sorts of individuals including from the human right groups, commissions of inquiry, reporters, experts and think-tanks) have routinely deceived, distorted, misled and out rightly lied when it comes to Eritrea. All have been proved to be false by their own standards. Truly these members of the two parliaments have lost the meme of moral relativity and by default simply accept any falsified information so long this has to do with countries like Eritrea. Such nonchalant and insensitive behaviour can only reflect the lack of absolute morals and is not less than moral bankruptcy.
Ethical standards command honesty. But there is less honour among those who tell lies and lies demean the liar. Yes in the management of international affairs, a lot is being distorted and misrepresented by the powerful forces. But not so as relentlessly as against Eritrea. The country is singled out not out of benevolence but out of desire to control and discourage self-assertiveness and independent mindedness from being emulated by others. This is the heart of the problem and Eritrea’s predicament- being your-self and managing your affairs freely and in your own way. Indeed the price of independence is immensely high.
In conclusion I would say that it is a great evil to define Eritrea as a country where everything is hellish and terrible. The resolution is a cutting insult to the peace and freedom loving, hard- working and independent minded people led by a government that commands the trust of its people because it has their interest at heart.