BERNE - The Commission of Foreign Policy (CPE) of the Council of States adopted by a large majority a motion of the National aimed at "reducing the flows of refugees and / or migrants from Eritrea" pointing to an intensification of diplomatic activity Swiss authorities in the African country.
The EPC has adopted the text of the National Council Claude Béglé (PPD / VD) with eight votes to one with two abstentions, indicating the secretariat of the Committee in a statement issued today. The motion, already accepted by the House of People on 17 June, also enjoys the favor of the Federal Council, however, we have no illusions.
The situation in Eritrea remains "opaque" and the potential for cooperation with this country are currently "limited", wrote the Federal Council at the end of May in his response to the text of the Democrat, filed in mid-March.
The government is not opposed to the conclusion of a readmission agreement. So far, though Eritrea systematically refuses any kind of cooperation in cases of forced return.Moreover, given the lack of guarantees on the safety for people who return to the country, referrals are outstanding, noted the executive.
The Federal Council also recalls that in response to a postulate of National Councillor and President of the PPD Gerhard Pfister (ZG) this fall will present what he considers the most appropriate approaches to address the issue.
The motion of Béglé was filed just days after a mission by a delegation of Swiss politicians in Eritrea who had done much to discuss. Besides Béglé, the group were among others the part of Aargau State Councillor Susanne Hochuli (Verdi) and the National Councillors Thomas Aeschi (UDC / ZG), Yvonne Feri (PS / AG) and Christian Wasserfallen (FDP / BE). On their return they had asked for more relations between Bern and Asmara to facilitate the postponement in that country, from which the largest number of refugees in Switzerland.
Their initiative has been criticized by politicians and humanitarian organizations, according to which the Swiss delegation did not have the means to obtain a realistic picture of the human rights situation on the spot.
The Eritrean asylum seekers are a recurrent issue to parliament. Already more than five years ago, the parliamentarians called for a readmission agreement that should enable Switzerland to return home those who have seen the rejected asylum application.