Dear All,Â
See below the link for the new film documentary.
"Eritrea-Where resilience is the enduring mindset"Â is a 14 minutes documentary film. Â Â
This Film will show the Eritrean People's ambitious and equallyarduous journey to rebuild their war torn nation amidst a changing and hostileglobal environment. If any peoples to deserve to celebrate their independencein grand style-it is the Eritreans…and they did.
Film - Overview 25 May 2016 marked Eritrea’s 25 Independence anniversary, animportant milestone in the young nation’s history, a gallant history of triumphover successive colonialists, Ethiopia, being the last and bloodiest. Eritrea’slong and bitter 30 year struggle for independence began in 1961 after theEritrean peoples’ right to self-determination was denied and peaceful effortsto restore Eritrea’s sovereignty and territorial integrity was denied by the powersto be. The war and endedhen the gallant Eritrean People's Liberation Armyentered triumphantly into Asmara, the nation’s capital on the morning of 24 May1991.Â
Best wishes,
Yared Tesfay
0790421231902077130096London, UK
Received on Thu Oct 27 2016 - 18:01:56 EDT