MiddleEastMonitor.com: Qatar, Ethiopia played role in lifting US sanctions on Sudan

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam59_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2017 01:30:15 +0100

Qatar, Ethiopia played role in lifting US sanctions on Sudan

Image of Sudanese State Minister Kamal Ismail [CRI Kiswahili/Facebook]
Image of Sudanese State Minister Kamal Ismail [CRI Kiswahili/Facebook]

A Sudanese official revealed yesterday that intense diplomatic efforts made by Sudan to persuade other countries and international bodies that the US embargo against Khartoum were “unethical” and “illegal” had bore fruit, as diplomatic efforts from other states allowed for sanctions to be lifted.

In a press conference held in Khartoum, State Minister Kamal Ismail hailed the efforts of the Arab League, African Union, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and many of Arab countries and international bodies who played a role in lifting the sanctions regime.

Ismail mentioned several countries by name, but extended a special thanks to Qatar and Ethiopia, who he said had presented evidence that the economic embargo was illegal. According to the minister, this evidence was accepted by Washington, who took the decision to ease sanctions.

“The embargo was a mistake, illegal and unethical,” the minister said, stressing it that sanctions were against all international conventions and laws.

Ismail noted that many countries had stopped dealing with Sudan due to the sanctions and this exacerbated the effect of the sanctions.

He said that certain countries held long discussions with the US to persuade it that the sanctions were illegal and unethical and these efforts “encircled” the sanctions politically.

Last Friday, outgoing American President Barack Obama announced the end of a 20-year economic embargo on Sudan.

Received on Sat Jan 21 2017 - 19:30:16 EST

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