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[dehai-news] Press Me Down and I will Rise

From: <awetnayu_at_hotmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 12:18:59 -0700

Press Me Down and I will Rise

Tell me… you don’t

Tell me… you don’t exist

Tell me… you can’t exist

Tell me… that you can’t
see me, hear me

Tell me… you are…

Tell me… you are… weak
and meek


Tell me… that I am

Tell me… that you are
the power and the powerful

Tell me… that you can
and will…

Destroy me,

Squeeze me… strangulate


Tell me…

You are going to make me
a servant…

Make me…servant of a

Tell me, you will make
me kneel to your servant

Tell me, you can unleash
your servants on me

And you show me you can
unleash your servants on me

And you unleash your
servants on me

And you show me the fury
of your servants


You tell me, that is
only the beginning

There is more of

Waiting to eat me, one-whole…gulp!


Tell me, that I have no
fighting chance

Tell me, that I cannot
survive the wrath

Tell me, that I am
voiceless, powerless and meek

Tell me, I don’t have
the legs to stand

Tell me, that I am
hungry and starving

Tell me, I have neither
the means nor power


You show me that you

The power, the mighty

You even claim to be the

You show me you can…

Pass judgments,

As judge, jury,

You are the witness, the

You show me you
can…disregard voices,

Overcome dissenting

You show me… you can,
stir voices… any voice


You have trophies of

Stories of destruction

Stories of unmatched
human oppression

Stories of merciless
capacities to inflict pain

Collateral damage to you

To victims, everlasting


You anointed you with

Confident that you have
ensured invincibility

Free from


You showed me your

Your persistence…and

Your unwillingness to
bend or listen

You show me no choice
but your heathen

A life of dependency

A life of servitude to
you and you subjects


You have nullified my
existence once

Sentenced me to death


Yet, I rise

I rise above the

I rise above your brutes

I rise above your

I rise to humanity, for

I rise above your

To sanity

I rise above the cloud
of deceit

I rise… above the
conceited brutes

I rise…

Above the entrapments
they weave

I rise

Against treachery with

I rise…

Against injustices

I rise for justice

Yes, I rise…

I rise…

>From poverty, through
poverty to prosperity

I rise…

>From darkness, through darkness
to light

I rise to challenge the

And I rise

I rise…for the people,
my people

I rise from the gutters
of hell to the heavens of the world

I rise to discover and
uncover beauties

I rise at par

I rise from oppression to

I rise above fear… to


I rise atop mount Soira

I rise to Forto Asmara
from Sewra

I rise…

I rise for you and with
you Eritrea



Happy New Year 2012

Nkid T-ray


Amanuel Biedemariam





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Received on Mon Jan 02 2012 - 12:18:19 EST
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