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[dehai-news] Open Air Concert with Tiken Jah Fakoly in Asmara Eritrea!

From: Yared Tesfay <ytmn2_at_yahoo.co.uk_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 16:25:08 +0000 (GMT)

Open Air Concert with Tiken Jah Fakoly in Asmara Eritrea!

Asmara Open Air Concert with TIKEN JAH FAKOLY, NUEYS, Alliance France Asmara in association with PFDJ Cultural Affairs will present the world renowned artist Tiken Jah Fakoly in Asmara Eritrea 04-09 February 2012.Open Air Concert in Eritrea with Tiken Jah Fakolywww.eritreacompass.comEritreaCompass.com Spearheading the Positive Social Media Campaign for Eritrea! Bringing the Latest News & Analysis about Eritrea, Aim in building bridges between Eritrea and potential investors and tourists, Bringing the positive role of Eritreans inside Eritrea & the Diaspora for the development.
Video;- Live in Paris http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A93ps6LVU98Tiken Jah was born into a family of griots and christened Doumbia Moussa Fakoly on June 23, 1968 in Odienné, north-western Côte d'Ivoire. He discovered reggae at an early age, assembling his first group, Djelys, in 1987. He became well-known at a regional level, but would soon ascend to national recognition.Tiken Jah Fakoly plays music "to wake up the consciences". His music speaks about many injustices done to the people over Africa. As such, many African listeners feel a deep affinity with his lyrics as Fakoly speaks for oppressed people.This connection has helped make Tiken Jah Fakoly a much-listened artist throughout the world.Tiken Jah Fakoly denounces colonialism and neo-colonization: After the abolition of slavery They created the colonization When we found the solution, They created the cooperation As we denounce this situation. They created the globalisation. And without
 explaining globalization.
Yared TesfayUniversal & EriArtista Soundseriartista_at_eritreacompass.com 

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Received on Wed Jan 04 2012 - 15:24:32 EST
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