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[dehai-news] Miningreview.com: Eritrea claims major advantage over its mining rivals

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2012 12:44:00 +0100

Eritrea claims major advantage over its mining rivals

Jan 05, 2012

Asmara, Eritrea --- MININGREVIEW.COM --- 04 January 2012 - President Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea says the country’s mining activities have a major comparative advantage over their rivals, in terms of both time and significance, as they provide impetus to national economic development programmes and their sustainability.

Stating this in an interview here with the national media, he said that Eritrea was endowed with rich mineral resources, but he highlighted the fact that economic wealth does not mean possession of that wealth alone. As experience in other countries had demonstrated, one should exercise proper handling, and thus refrain from pronouncements of undue hopes, as doing so might lead to negative consequences, he added.

In this regard, President Isaias noted that such wealth needs to be judiciously exploited in the interest of present and future generations. He further underlined that the substantial investment the Government was making towards ensuring sustainable development in all sectors was aimed at achieving this objective.

President Isaias outlined the country's development programmes aimed at ensuring proper distribution of electricity supply, expansion of alternative sources of energy, as well as an increase in the capacity of power stations.

He also indicated that the development of ports and docks ‒ especially the Massawa and Asab ports ‒ is among the government's major programmes, and that steps had already been taken jointly with a Chinese company to accomplish the task.

The president revealed that besides the development and expansion of docks, there was a scheme to develop the infrastructure and service provision of Asmara and Massawa airports, as well as the construction and upgrading of secondary airports.

<em>The Eritrean port<br /> of Massawa ? to be <br />expanded along with<br /> Asab in order to handle <br />increasing mining exports</em>

The Eritrean port
of Massawa ‒ to be
expanded along with
Asab in order to handle
increasing mining exports


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Received on Thu Jan 05 2012 - 10:55:50 EST
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