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[dehai-news] [OAKLAND] TEWERWER MEKETE 2012

From: Araia G. Ephrem <agephrem_at_yahoo.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2012 19:23:12 -0800 (PST)

JANUARY 14, 2012 _at_2:00PM

Sacred Heart Church
4025 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Oakland, CA 94609

Oakland & surrounding Bay Area proudly presents Dr. Berhe Habte-Giorgis as a guest speaker in its 2012 Mekete seminar. Please join us in a pioneering and task-oriented Mekete seminar for the year 2012. After successfuly emptying all trash sent against every Eritrean psyche, we stand tall in forging ahead in to the future with articulate vision of development and defense. Please join us for a focused Mekete.

Dr. Berhe Habte-Giorgis holds a DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) from Louisiana Tech University. He teaches Research Methods in Marketing and Supervised Internship. His research interests include marketing theory, strategy, and non-profit marketing.

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Received on Sat Jan 07 2012 - 19:47:58 EST
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