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[dehai-news] (UN.org) Security Council Press Statement on Somalia

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 08:28:07 -0500


11 January 2012
 Security Council


Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Security Council Press Statement on Somalia

On Wednesday, 11 January, the Security Council received a briefing
from Lynn Pascoe, Under Secretary-General for Political Affairs, and
Ambassador Ramtane Lamamra, Commissioner for Peace and Security of the
African Union, on the situation in Somalia, including a briefing on
the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).

The members of the Security Council reiterated their full support to
AMISOM and expressed their continued appreciation for the commitment
of troops by the troop contributing countries. They commended the
efforts of AMISOM and the Somali security forces and recognized the
significant sacrifices these forces have made. The members of the
Security Council stressed the importance of predictable, reliable and
timely resources to AMISOM and called on the international community
to provide uncaveated support to AMISOM in order for it to strengthen
its capability and to better fulfil its mandate. They noted the
recommendations on Somalia of the African Union Peace and Security
Council of 5 January 2012 and the intention of the Secretary-General
to submit a report. They underlined their intention to keep the
situation under review. The members of the Security Council also
stressed the importance of international assistance to develop the
Somali security forces.

The members of the Security Council reaffirmed their full support for
the Djibouti Agreement as the basis for the resolution of the conflict
in Somalia, the Kampala Accord and the road map to end the transition
in Somalia by August 2012. They commended the unity of purpose
demonstrated at the recent Garowe Constitutional Conference and
encouraged inclusive and representative dialogue with the Somali
people on the constitution. They urged the Transitional Federal
Institutions to remain united, demonstrate strong political will, and
focus on the timely implementation of the road map. They noted that
future support to the Transitional Federal Institutions would be
contingent on completion of these tasks and noted the
Secretary-General’s view that further extension of the road map would
be untenable. The members of the Security Council expressed their
readiness to support action against spoilers that seek to undermine
the peace process, and peace, security and stability in Somalia.

The members of the Security Council stressed their grave concern at
the continuing dire humanitarian situation in Somalia and the famine
affecting the country and took note of the protracted nature of the
crisis. They thanked humanitarian workers for their tireless efforts,
welcomed the international response so far and urged Member States to
contribute to the United Nations Consolidated Appeal for Somalia. The
members of the Security Council urged all parties and armed groups to
ensure full and unhindered access for the timely delivery of
humanitarian aid, and to take appropriate steps to ensure the safety
and security of humanitarian personnel and supplies. Members urged
all concerned actors to redouble their efforts to find long-term
solutions for refugees and internally displaced people.

The members of the Security Council reiterated their grave concern
about the situation in Somalia. They stressed the need for a
comprehensive strategy in Somalia to address the political,
humanitarian and security problems in Somalia and the problem of
piracy, including hostage taking, off the coast of Somalia through the
collaborative efforts of all stakeholders. In this regard, they
reiterated their full support to the Secretary-General and his Special
Representative, Augustine P. Mahiga, and their work with the African
Union and international and regional partners to address these
challenges, including through the upcoming London Conference.

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