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[dehai-news] (MoI - Eritrea) The accusation by the Kenyan government alleging that 'Eritrea sent three aircrafts carrying weapons to Baidoa' laid bare as utter lie

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 14:23:59 -0500


The accusation by the Kenyan government alleging that “Eritrea sent
three aircrafts carrying weapons to Baidoa” laid bare as utter lie

Asmara, 12 January 2012 - The accusation against Eritrea by the Kenyan
government alleging that “Eritrea sent three aircrafts carrying
weapons to Baidoa” has been laid bare as utter lie, as well as the
non-existence of such activities through the report sent by the
Monitoring Group to the Security Council on December 2011.

The Monitoring Group, in its report to the Security Council, explained
that the accusation against Eritrea alleging that it sent three
aircrafts carrying weapons to Somalia was unfounded, and to the
contrary external forces have entered Somalia uninvited and against
Resolution 1725 (2006).

Regarding the accusation alleging that “Eritrea sent three aircrafts
carrying weapons to Baidoa”, the Eritrean Ministry of Foreign Affairs
in its press statement of 2 December 2011 underlined that the
fabricated and baseless allegation was basically designed to
“undermine Eritrea’s constructive regional and international
engagement and please Ethiopia that continues to occupy sovereign
Eritrean territory, in violation of international law and UN Security
Council resolutions.”, besides being the main cause of instability in
the region.

In another development, regarding the Monitoring Group’s report of
December 2011 that “it is in the process of deepening its knowledge of
Eritrean military services”, and that “Eritrea is arming Ethiopian
opposition groups”, as a senior Eritrean Foreign Ministry official
asserted: “the first allegation being an illegal act that violates
Eritrean sovereignty and the latter indicates the biased nature of the
reporters concerned for no evidence whatsoever”.

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Received on Thu Jan 12 2012 - 15:33:36 EST
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