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[dehai-news] Project Orotta Fundraiser

From: Beri Gebrehiwot <beri.ghiwot_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 18:37:38 -0500

Dear Dehai Readers,

We want to thank you for taking the time to learn about the needs at
the Orotta School of Medicine and School of Dentistry! We would like to
share with you the extraordinary work and success that is taking place
at the new campus and the heroes that have strived to make it what it
is today.
The Orotta School of Medicine came into existence in the year 2003
after the laboring of a few individuals in partner with a few
organizations: The Children’s National Medical Center, Physicians for
Peace, The Ministry of Health of
Eritrea, Orotta School of Medicine and the Board of Higher Education.
The Model of this institution is community based, with a strong
emphasis on public health and public health research. The ultimate
vision is to provide the country of Eritrea with outstanding providers
and clinicians in response to the shortage of medical professionals.
Prior to the establishment of OSMSD, the physician index was 5 per
100,000 people and the approximate number of physicians in specialized
fields totaled 4 obstetricians, 5 pediatricians and 7 surgeons.
Today, the Orotta School of Medicine has currently enrolled 300
students. First graduating class of Orotta Schhol of Medicine had a
total of 44 physicians out of whom 8 are pediatricians, five surgeons
and 31 general doctors. Also, on December 3, 2011 the school had 34
new grads of which 5 were women! Current graduates are working within
the country, responding to the needs of the people while raising the
standard for health care.
We are writing to you today to ask for your support in fostering an
outstanding framework and atmosphere for education by providing these
students with higher-end technology. 15 LCD projectors, 60 power
converters, 2 fax machines/copier/scanner and the use of personal
laptops (40 total) for each student is what we strive to provide for
them. We believe these are essential and basic tools and that the
accessibility of them will help further their education and
perspectives. The ultimate goal is to help the Orotta School of
Medicine and School of Dentistry continue their success by providing
them with the equipment and resources they need to do so.
The total fundraising goal is $30,000 by May 24, 2012.
We understand this is a high fundraising goal and would appreciate
your financial sponsorship. We will be inviting local and national
businesses and organizations as well to participate in this event that
will influence generations to come as well as the future of healthcare
in Eritrea.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you will
consider being a part of this remarkable event that will enhance
teaching conditions of OSMSD. We are extremely proud of the
individuals who continue to have great provision for the country’s
health as a whole, and the general public who continues to support
their vision with great hope, joy and confidence!

Below you will find the link to Project Orotta's website- we encourage
you to visit and learn more about the group and its mission!

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel
free to contact the team at Projectorotta_at_gmail.com.


The Project Orotta Committee

Please visit the site at: www.ProjectOrotta.org<http://www.projectorotta.org/>

Facebook page: Project Orotta
Follow us on Twitter _at_ProjectOrotta

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Received on Mon Jan 16 2012 - 20:39:03 EST
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