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[dehai-news] (Commentary) Good Wishes For 2012

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 07:32:09 -0500

*Good Wishes For 2012*
*By Seble Ephrem
Following the UN resolutions recently imposed on Eritrea the message that
came across very clearly is the continued US total, undemocratic dominance
over the Security Council members and the safeguarding of US interests in
the Horn of Africa, while fairness, truth and justice were not even on the
agenda. A truly deplorable state.
 The ongoing soured relationship between Eritrea and the US has inevitably
reached its peak and while tensions are raw as they currently are, it is
very difficult to contemplate engagement or any form of talks to resolve
the issues on hand. The crucial issue is the establishment of peace and
stability in the region. Having undergone decades of war and disruption,
Eritrea is keen to see peace and prosperity prevail. The question is
whether the US is equally interested?
 With all the conflict resolution capabilities and, more importantly, the
duties they have in ensuring that justice, freedom and democracy are
upheld; the rest of the international community has failed to demonstrate
such duties. There was a glint of hope when some of the permanent members
and some of the rotating members voiced their concerns in the proceedings
of the Security Council resolutions, but in the end they chose to copout of
political compromise by abstaining.
 *The opportunity for the US to engage Eritrea as a partner for peace and
stability is still there if only they would listen, learn understand and
respect the Eritrean values and principles, none of which step on others’
toes. If only the US would develop fresh thinking in its relationships and
see the many pull factors that Eritrea has to offer including its strategic
geographic location and wealth of topographic advantages, its hitherto
corruption free governance, a motivated work force, etc.. The benefits of
such ties would have far reaching mutual economical and political benefits
over short term corporate advantages. *
For the sake of freedom and justice may 2012 usher in a wind of change at
the UN Security Council and work towards eliminating war mongering intents
of powerful nations. May the New Year instil wisdom in their minds together
with a sense of balance, and the courage to challenge the US to make the
wishes of the Eritrean people for peace and prosperity a reality by
allowing them the space to manage their hard earned independence in their
own way and without external interference.

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Received on Wed Jan 18 2012 - 10:41:00 EST
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