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[dehai-news] (taz) Assault on Tourists in Ethiopia -Letter to the Editor

From: <chrischimail_at_aol.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 13:49:08 -0500 (EST)


The article paints a superficial picture of the problem between Eritrea and Ethiopia in general and in the Afar region in the border area between the two countries in particular. The Danakil Depression and the entire Afar region are home to nomadic tribes exclusively, roamed independently in this very inhospitable and inaccessible region. They cross the border between Eritrea, Ethiopia and Djibouti at will and are not under control of any authority, comparable to the Tuaregs of the Sahara. An assault with kidnapping and deaths there can never be excluded. Any interest of Eritrea in such operations would be an enigma. The opposite can be assumed. A statement from the Eritrean government is missing in your report. There is no border dispute between Ethiopia-and Eritrea border as this was decided by the international court in The Hague 2002. Both parties had accepted that process and its verdict as final and binding in 2000 by the Treaty of Algiers. Ethiopia refused to implement the verdict, has since continued to occupy Eritrean territories and threatens with a resumption of war, whenever it seems politically expedient. In addition, Ethiopia has begun to make Eritrea responsible for all its internal and external conflicts: the ongoing war and in Somalia fueled by Ethiopia, as well as attacks of various independence movements in Ethiopia -and now a raid in Afar. Such attacks were proven not to be supported by Eritrea in the past. The Government of Ethiopia has a history in pointing blame and responsibility on Eritrea. This being the more unjustified, as it is Ethiopia, that is for decades responsible for instability and suffering in the region, namely Eritrea, Somalia, and in their own provinces like Tigray, Oromia and the Ogaden. This scheme should be detected by German journalists, rather than to participate in it.
Chrischi Singer

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Received on Thu Jan 19 2012 - 18:59:14 EST
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