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[dehai-news] (Pambazuka) What exactly does ‘sub-Sahara Africa’ mean?

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 20:54:17 -0500

 http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/features/79215 What exactly does
‘sub-Sahara Africa’ mean? Herbert Ekwe-Ekwe 2012-01-18, Issue

The widespread use of ‘sub-Sahara Africa’ makes no sense and is undoubtedly
a racist geopolitical signature.

It appears increasingly fashionable in the West for a number of
broadcasters, websites, news agencies, newspapers and magazines, the United
Nations/allied agencies and some governments, writers and academics to use
the term ‘sub-Sahara Africa’ to refer to all of Africa except the five
predominantly Arab states of north Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia,
Libya, Egypt) and the Sudan, a north-central African country. Even though
its territory is mostly located south of the Sahara Desert, the Sudan is
excluded from the ‘sub-Sahara Africa’ tagging by those who promote the use
of the epithet because the regime in power in Khartoum describes the
country as ‘Arab’ despite its majority African population.

But the concept ‘sub-Sahara Africa’ is absurd and misleading, if not a
meaningless classificatory schema. Its use defies the science of the
fundamentals of geography but prioritises hackneyed and stereotypical
racist labelling. It is not obvious, on the face of it, which of the four
possible meanings of the prefix ‘sub’ its users attach to the ‘sub-Sahara
Africa’ labelling. Is it ‘under’ the Sahara Desert or ‘part of’/‘partly’
the Sahara Desert? Or, presumably, ‘partially’/‘nearly’ the Sahara Desert
or even the very unlikely (hopefully!) application of ‘in the style of, but
inferior to’ the Sahara Desert, especially considering that there is an
Arab people sandwiched between Morocco and Mauritania (northwest Africa)
called Saharan?


The example of South Africa is appropriate here. Prior to the formal
restoration of African majority government in 1994, South Africa was never
designated ‘sub-Sahara Africa’, unlike the rest of the 13 African-led
states in southern Africa, which were also often referred to at the time as
the ‘frontline states’. South Africa then was either termed ‘white South
Africa’ or the ‘South Africa sub-continent’ (as in the ‘India
sub-continent’ usage, for instance), meaning ‘almost’/‘partially’ a
continent - quite clearly a usage of ‘admiration’ or ‘compliment’ employed
by its subscribers to essentially project and valorise the perceived
geostrategic potentials or capabilities of the erstwhile regime.

But soon after the triumph of the African freedom movement there, South
Africa became ‘sub-Sahara Africa’ in the quickly adjusted schema of this
representation. What happened suddenly to South Africa’s geography for it
to be so differently classified? Is it African liberation/rule that renders
an African state ‘sub-Sahara’? Does this post-1994 West-inflected South
Africa-changed classification make ‘sub-Sahara Africa’ any more
intelligible? Interestingly, just as in the South Africa ‘sub-continent’
example, the application of the ‘almost’/‘partially’ or indeed ‘part
of’/‘partly’ meaning of prefix ‘sub-’ to ‘Sahara Africa’ focuses
unambiguously on the following countries of Africa: Morocco, Algeria,
Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, each of which has 25-75 per cent of its territory
(especially to the south) covered by the Sahara Desert. It also focuses on
Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and the Sudan, which variously have 25-75 per
cent of their territories (to the north) covered by the same desert. In
effect, these 10 states would make up sub-Sahara Africa.

Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, the five Arab north Africa
countries, do not, correctly, describe themselves as Africans even though
they unquestionably habituate African geography, the African continent,
since the Arab conquest and occupation of this north one-third of African
territory in the 7th century CE. The Western governments, press and the
transnational bodies (which are led predominantly by Western personnel and
interests) have consistently ‘conceded’ to this Arab cultural insistence on
racial identity. Presumably, this accounts for the West’s non-designation
of its ‘sub-Sahara Africa’ dogma to these countries as well as the Sudan,
whose successive Arab-minority regimes since January 1956 have claimed, but
incorrectly, that the Sudan ‘belongs’ to the Arab world. On this subject,
the West does no doubt know that what it has been engaged in, all along, is
blatant sophistry and not science. This, however, conveniently suits its
current propaganda packaging on Africa, which we shall be elaborating on

It would appear that we still don’t seem to be any closer to establishing,
conclusively, what its users mean by ‘sub-Sahara Africa’. Could it,
perhaps, just be a benign reference to all the countries ‘under’ the
Sahara, whatever their distances from this desert, to interrogate our
final, fourth probability? Presently, there are 53 so-called sovereign
states in Africa. If the five north Africa Arab states are said to be
located ‘above’ the Sahara, then 48 are positioned ‘under’. The latter
would therefore include all the five countries mentioned above whose north
frontiers incorporate the southern stretches of the desert (namely,
Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and the Sudan), countries in central Africa
(the Congos, Rwanda, Burundi, etc., etc), for instance, despite being
2000-2500 miles away, and even the southern African states situated
3000-3500 miles away. In fact, all these 48 countries, except the Sudan
(alas, not included for the plausible reason already cited), which is
clearly ‘under’ the Sahara and situated within the same latitudes as Mali,
Niger and Chad (i.e., between 10 and 20 degrees north of the equator), are
all categorised by the ‘sub-Sahara Africa’ users as ‘sub-Sahara Africa’.


To replicate this obvious farce of a classification elsewhere in the world,
the following random exercise is not such an indistinct scenario for
universal, everyday, referencing:

1. Australia hence becomes ‘sub-Great Sandy Australia’ after the hot
deserts that cover much of west and central Australia.

2. East Russia, east of the Urals, becomes ‘sub-Siberia Asia’.

3. China, Japan and Indonesia are reclassified ‘sub-Gobi Asia’.

4. Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar,
Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam become ‘sub-Himalaya Asia’.

5. All of Europe is ‘sub-Arctic Europe’.
 6. Most of England, central and southern counties, is renamed
‘sub-Pennines Europe’.

7. East/southeast France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia are ‘sub-Alps Europe’.

8. The Americas become ‘sub-Arctic Americas’.

9. All of South America, south of the Amazon, is proclaimed ‘sub-Amazon
South America’; Chile could be ‘sub-Atacama South America’.

10. Most of New Zealand’s South Island is renamed ‘sub-Southern Alps New

11. Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama become
‘sub-Rocky North America’.

12. The entire Caribbean becomes ‘sub-Appalachian Americas’.


So, rather than some benign construct, ‘sub-Sahara Africa’ is, in the end,
an outlandish nomenclatural code that its users employ to depict an
African-led ‘sovereign’ state - anywhere in Africa, as distinct from an
Arab-led one. More seriously to the point, ‘sub-Sahara Africa’ is employed
to create the stunning effect of a supposedly shrinking African
geographical landmass in the popular imagination, coupled with the
continent’s supposedly attendant geostrategic global ‘irrelevance’.

‘Sub-Sahara Africa’ is undoubtedly a racist geopolitical signature in which
its users aim repeatedly to present the imagery of the desolation, aridity,
and hopelessness of a desert environment. This is despite the fact that the
overwhelming majority of one billion Africans do not live anywhere close to
the Sahara, nor are their lives so affected by the implied impact of the
very loaded meaning that this dogma intends to convey. Except this steadily
pervasive use of ‘sub-Sahara Africa’ is robustly challenged by rigorous
African-centred scholarship and publicity work, its proponents will
succeed, eventually, in substituting the name of the continent ‘Africa’
with ‘sub-Sahara Africa’ and the name of its peoples, ‘Africans’, with
‘sub-Sahara Africans’ or, worse still, ‘sub-Saharans’ in the realm of
public memory and reckoning.


* Herbert Ekwe-Ekwe is the author of ‘Readings from Reading: Essays on
African Politics, Genocide, Literature’. (Dakar and Reading: African
Renaissance, 2011)
* Please send comments to editor[at]pambazuka[dot]org <editor_at_pambazuka.org> or
comment online atPambazuka News <http://www.pambazuka.org/>.

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