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[dehai-news] (Ethiopian Sources) ARDUF says European tourists were killed by Ethiopian gov’t forces

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 09:53:27 -0500


ARDUF blames Ethiopian gov’t for killing five Europeans

Washington DC, Jan 22 (ESAT)–The Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front
(ARDUF) has blamed Ethiopian government forces for the killings of five
European tourists from Germany, Hungary and Austria in Afar region. The
front also confirmed that it was holding an unspecified number of German
nationals and Ethiopian soldiers.

In a military communiqué it sent today to the Ethiopian Satellite
Television (ESAT), ARDUF claimed that it had a battle with Ethiopian
government forces in Xoxom, near Arta_Ale Volcano. “On Monday January 16,
2012, our forces killed 16 Ethiopian soldiers and wounded a dozen of them
in a battle when the Ethiopian forces opened fire on our patrolling unit
near the Arta-Ale Volcano in a place called Xoxom. It was in this battle
that the 5 European nationals were killed.”

According to ARDUF, the slain Europeans we killed by the Ethiopian military
forces. “We can confirm that European Nationals were absolutely killed by
the Ethiopian forces who were accompanying them.” The front criticized the
state-run television, ETV, for showing only European nationals on TV while
it neither mentioned nor showed the dead and injured soldiers. The front
noted in its communiqué that this was a ploy to criminalize ARDUF and
“illegalize our legitimate political demand and to further terrorize Afar
people in the region in the name of fighting terrorism.”

ARDUF also said that it had a good record of “protecting, respecting and
helping foreign Nationals and civilians” that it took hostage more than
seven times in nearly three decades. “The fact is that all those captured
by ARDUF were safely released. We are against killings and torturing of
innocent civilians whatever nationality they are,” ARDUF said. The front
said that the hostages would be released safely

The Afari front also indicated that the fighting occurred between ARDUF and
TPLF led Ethiopian forces. “Ethiopian accusation of Eritrea of arming and
training Afar rebel (ARDUF) is baseless and unfounded.” It insisted that
the government of Eritrea had nothing to do with the incident that claimed
that the lives of five Europeans.

ARDUF warned foreign nationals, investors and companies not to operate in
areas controlled by its forces without permission from the front. “Any
person who violates or ignore this advice can endanger their lives in any
engagements between our forces and the TPLF-led Ethiopian forces,” ARDU
said in its communiqué.

Ethiopian rebels claim responsibility for volcano

by *fikre_hizb<http://www.ethiopianreview.com/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=25709&sid=befd410935e7ab995413a0d6ee7ce1ac>
* » Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:54 pm


On Monday (16.01.2012) our forces killed 16 Ethiopian soldiers and wounded
a dozen of them in
a battle when the Ethiopian forces opened fire on our patrolling unit near
the Arta-Ale Volcano in
a place called Xoxom. It was in this battle that the 5 European nationals
were killed. We regret the
death of those innocent civilians. ARDUF would like to convey its sincere
condolence and
sympathy to the families and relatives of dead peaceful tourists. We can
similarly confirm that
those German Nationals who were taken together with the Ethiopian soldiers
are safe and good
health. We can ensure that their peaceful release will be granted through
peaceful negotiation
with concerned part through the Afar elders in the region. But, we warn
both the Regional Afar
authorities as well as the Ethiopian Federal authorities not to engage in
another adventure
that can endanger the lives of the captured.

We can also confirm that European Nationals were absolutely killed by the
Ethiopian forces who
were accompanying them. TPLF –State -ETV showing only European Nationals on
TV, while they
kept their dead soldiers and injured secret in order to criminalize us
first, illegalize our legitimate
political demand second; and to terrorize Afar people in the region further
in the name of fighting

We assert that the Government of Eritrea has nothing to do with incident.
The fighting occurred
between ARDUF and TPLF led Ethiopian forces. Both European Nationals and
Ethiopian soldiers
were killed in battle with ARDUF. Therefore Ethiopian accusation of Eritrea
of arming and training
Afar Rebel (ARDUF) is baseless and unfounded. We are Ethiopian Afar
organization fighting for
liberating our people from political marginalization, economic deprivation,
social exclusion,
illiteracy and poverty for the last 29 years. For many decades, in the
region, the Afar people have
been suffering immeasurable loss and untold sufferings both economically,
socially, politically and

We, ARDUF, have history of a good record of protecting, respecting and
helping Foreign Nationals
and civilians. Previously, ARDUF had captured foreign Nationals who entered
its territories
illegally, more than seven times. The fact is that all those captured by
ARDUF were safely released.
We are principally against killings and torturing of innocent civilians
whatever nationality they

We, ARDUF advise foreign nationals, commercial investors and companies to
avoid entering into
areas controlled by ARDUF forces without ARDUF permission. Any person who
violates or ignore
this advice can endanger their lives in a any engagements between our
forces and the TPLF-Ethiopian forces.

Military Command Centre (MCC)
Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF) UGUUGUM

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