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[dehai-news] Video: A Living History - The Successful Defense of Nakfa

From: Bereket Kidane <welela83_at_yahoo.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2012 08:52:53 -0800 (PST)

Nakfa, as we all know, occupies a very special place in every Eritrean's heart because it is the very symbol of Eritrean determination and perseverance.  I recently watched this video where veteran fighters and commanders of the EPLF recount the intense four-day battle that began on July 13, 1979 and the successful defense of Nakfa. It's really quite amazing!  It makes you proud to be an Eritrean and very appreciative of the extreme deprivation, hunger, thirst and constant aerial bombardment that the veteran tegadeltis and martyrs overcame to successfully defend Nakfa and keep it as a stronghold during the Dergue's Fifth Offensive (the one that took years to plan and was supposed to wipe out the liberation struggle once and for all.)  Many of the EPLF forces brought in from other fronts in Eritrea as reinforcements to defend Nakfa were fighting on unfamiliar terrain so they had no advantage over the enemy.  They didn't know the lay of the land or
 where to find water or anything.  They were just fighting on adrenaline.  Many of the veteran tegadeltis fought for three days without sleep to defend Nakfa.  By the end of the fourth day, not only was the offensive defeated, the Ethiopian forces were hanging themselves from trees at the base of the mountain because they had run out of ammunition and didn't have the energy to climb up the hill. The battle stories and the stories of self-sacrifice of their fellow tegadeltis told by the living ones is incredible.  It's truly a living history.  Words can not describe.  You just have to watch it.  I am glad Eri Tv is doing documentaries on all the major battles of Eritrea's fight for independence in order to preserve our history for posterity.  Here is the link below.
Zelealemawi Zikhri n Sewuatna!

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Received on Sun Jan 29 2012 - 12:18:01 EST
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