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[dehai-news] Theforeigner.no: Norway-Eritrea deal on the cards

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 15:57:05 +0100

Norway-Eritrea deal on the cards

Published on Monday, 30th
<http://theforeigner.no/pages/news/archive/2012/01/> January,
<http://theforeigner.no/pages/news/archive/2012/> 2012 at 15:00 under the
<http://theforeigner.no/pages/news/> news category, by
<http://theforeigner.no/pages/contributors/michael-sandelson/> Michael
Last Updated on 30th January 2012 at 15:53.

UPDATED: The Norwegian government will shortly be signing an agreement
enabling forced return of rejected Eritrean asylum seekers, according to

Monday’s news comes
just three days following officials’ announcement of a deal that enables
Ethiopians’ voluntary repatriation, or later compulsory deportation.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the UN High Commissioner
for Human Rights (OHCHR) have both advised against return.

Human rights organisations report widespread physical abuse of political
opponents. A prominent Norwegian researchers classifies the country as “one
of the most totalitarian and militarised in the world,” reports

Amnesty Norge’s communications advisor, Ingvild Lyberg, says they are
“highly critical” to the deal.

“We see people who have fled the country and applied for asylum in others
are accused of active treason upon their return, which qualifies for jail.
Eritrea is one of the world’s most closed countries. Authorities come down
hard on all political dissidents and religious nonconformists, which
includes extensive use of torture in prisons.”

Pål Lønnseth, Labour’s (Ap) Deputy Minister of Justice, will not reveal
exactly when the agreement will be signed and sealed, but confirms
discussions are taking place. He maintains forced deportation of refused
Eritrean asylum seekers is legitimate for people who do not have a need for
protection following assessment by Norwegian immigration officials.

Regarding the risk of being jailed for when returning, the Deputy Minister
says, "That's for the immigration authority to judge. The Minstry of Justice
will not be intervening saying everyone from a particular country will be
given residence."


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