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From: CNDD <fwd_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 22:30:35 -0500

Press release (English-French pdf)

The Djiboutian political bodies and persons signatories of this press
release as well as the persons and organisations associated with
them, are fully aware of their responsibility to the people of
Djibouti. They measure the severity of the situation in Djibouti,
which is likely to cause a social explosion and an intensification of
the civil war. They are deeply concerned about the moral and material
misery experienced by the people of Djibouti. They consider the
regime’s deliberate refusal to meet its commitments, including the
peace the agreements it signed, and also the flouting of the
democratic provisions of the 15 September 1992 Constitution. They
take into account the call made on 26 September 2009 by the legalized
opposition parties forming the Union for Democratic Change (UAD)
coalition, a call for, among other things, a true multiparty system,
effective decentralization, an independent judiciary, a truly
independent National Electoral Commission, respect for fundamental
freedoms (association, expression, press, etc.) and human rights.

They strongly condemn the repressive, undemocratic, anti-social and
anti-economy policies of Mr Ismael Omar Guelleh. They condemn the
constitutional amendment dated April 19, 2010 by Mr. Ismail Omar
Guelleh to assume a third term on April 8, 2011 and pave the way for
a life presidency.

The personalities and democratic forces signatories are convinced
that only the unity of the opposition on a clear and inclusive basis
can trigger a popular impetus which could bring about fundamental
changes to meet the aspirations of our people. They are convinced
that democracy is the only way to enable the people of Djibouti out
of its ordeal and take the path of national reconciliation and socio-
economic progress.

They have thus decided to strengthen the unity of the opposition, to
coordinate their efforts and intensify the struggle for democratic
change. To unify their political speeches, in consultation on
reflection and in improving coordination of their actions, they
agreed on the establishment of a National Coordination for Democracy
in Djibouti (CNDD). The politicians, whether founders or admitted
later, are direct members of the CNDD and every movement (whether a
founder or admitted later) is represented by two of its leaders.

As part of the CNDD, personalities and founding democratic forces
have adopted a political platform based around an alternative project
that comes in these areas:

1 - The establishment of rule of law and democracy in which the
separation of powers and political pluralism are effective;

2 - The respect of fundamental freedoms (of expression, association
in trade unions, press, demonstration, etc.) and human rights;

3 - The implementation of a balanced economic policy in which public,
private and cooperative sectors complement each other in the service
of the harmonious and sustainable development in all the country's
regions and social justice;

4 A foreign policy guided by:
- The national interest,
- Mutual respect,
- Regional, intercontinental and international cooperation
- Solidarity and friendship among peoples;

5 - The formation of a unity transition government, involving all
political forces, associations and individuals from civil society for
change. The transitional government will be responsible for
implementing the resolutions of the transitional charter prepared by
the political, economic and social players, including:

- Matters relating to political, civic and security, especially
establishing an effective decentralization and reconstruction of
areas destroyed by war,

- The revision of electoral rolls, the establishment of a genuinely
independent national electoral commission and the organization of
free and democratic general elections under international observation.

Organizations and individuals signed solemnly invite the forces of
the nation, whether political, social, cultural or economic, to join
this new united impulse and contribute to the emergence of a
democratic, just, fraternal and prosperous Djiboutian society.

Paris, 1 February 2012

On behalf of the FRUD: Mohamed Kadamy Youssouf
On behalf of the MRD1: Daher Ahmed Farah
For Mohamed Moussa Aïnaché: National political figure

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Received on Wed Feb 01 2012 - 22:33:41 EST
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