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[dehai-news] Toronto - Celebrating the 22nd Anniverary or Operation Fenkil on Feb 19!

From: YPFDJ Toronto <ypfdjtoronto_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2012 11:28:30 -0500

Operation Fenkil Celebration <http://www.ireperi.com/97049341>

Operation Fenkil
Operation Fenkil Celebration <http://www.ireperi.com/97919989>

[image: 5offensive]

*"In 72 hours, Eritrean freedom fighters scored a decisive military victory
over the then biggest army in Sub-Saharan Africa"*

*Operation Fenkil 22nd Anniversary Celebration*

*February 19, 2012*

*Lithuanian Community Association of Toronto -*

*1573 Bloor St. W Toronto Ontario*

*Admission: $20*

*See flyer here: *http://www.ireperi.com/97049341

YPFDJ - Young Peoples' Front for Democracy and Justice
Building a Strong, Conscious and Patriotic Youth Movement
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