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[dehai-news] Massawa - Feb 8, 1990

From: Samson Negassi <samson_negassi_at_yahoo.co.uk_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2012 15:20:32 +0000 (GMT)

Eritrea was freed in 1990. For me, freedom of Eritrea came together with the liberation of Massawa in 1990. When no one expected it, particularly when the Ethiopian colonialist were completely hibernating, on February 8, 1990 Eritrean People's Liberation Front cut through the critical supply route from Asmara to Massawa. This sudden attack stunned the Ethiopian military and by the following afternoon the EPLF forces were in the suburbs of Massawa. On the third day of the offensive, February 10, 1990, the Eritrean fighters captured the Ethiopian naval base near the Massawa. To achieve this, EPLF used small gunboats to attack from the sea with an artillery bombardment. Eritreans then moved to 'Sigalet Ketan' that connected the islands with the mainland. During this time, EPLF fighters knew they had to sacrifice their lives to cross the bridge. The first of these fighters were martyred paving way for the other fighters and tanks. Then Ethiopian colonial soldiers retreated to Ghinda. The suicidal colonialists then began their aerial bombardment of the city with napalm and cluster bombs, killing many civilian population. The heroic EPLF fighters were chasing the Ethiopian colonial soldiers to Ghinda. This thunderous attack shook the whole of Eritrea. Asmara, the capital city completely changed. Check points everywhere, nervous and paranoid Ethiopian soldiers at every corner. No public transportation, no electricity and gas. On a daily basis, hearing a loud bang became the norm. I remember we use to count how long it would take for a missile to land as soon as it's fired. Because we could hear it being fired and also we could hear it land. For the first time since I was born, I saw a big change in Eritrea. The most amazing fact was, Eritreans did not show fear, but happiness. Because, it was so clear, the illegal occupiers were losing their grip. For the first time, I started seeing EPLF pamphlets in the streets of Asmara. One morning on our way to School, a road between Orotta Hospital (then Mekane Hiwet) and the then eye hospital (Now Health Minister) was filled with red, green, blue and yellow colored EPLF pamphlets. They had writings in Arabic, Tigrigna and English. The road was blocked and those who live in the street were not allowed to leave their houses until their everything was searched. Ethiopian soldiers were so fearful that, they had their guns pointed at everyone who passed by. Then you get the feeling of pride and ownership. You stopped feeling like a second citizen, because those who made you feel that way are actually feeling the fear every Eritrean felt during their barbaric reign. Going to school was mainly to talk about new developments, as teachers and students were overwhelmed by the situations around Asmara. Ethiopian soldiers were attacking the Adi Rosso and Ghinda fronts everyday to pierce the strong trenches of EPLF. But their every attempt was repulsed inflicting heavy losses on them. In 1977, Eritreans were very close to liberate strategic port of Massawa by cutting the vital road Asmara-Massawa in November 1977 and December of the same year, they attacked the port itself. 75% of Massawa was in the hands of Eritrean fighters, but heavy soviet backed bombardments with supplied fighter planes pushed Eritreans back and Massawa could not be liberated then. Many Eritreans were martyred as a result of the illegal Napalm and Cluster bombardment. Let us remember and celebrate the 22 anniversary of operation Fenkil, but let us shoulder the lives of our martyrs. With no hesitation and selflessly, they presented the ultimate gift to us, so that we can now celebrate the free Eritrea and become owners of our own destiny. We walk with our heads up, because we can say we have a free country that does not allow exploitation of the majority by minority. Eritrea at present is the hub of social justice and peace in this rough and unsettled world. Once up on a time, Eritrean freedom was a dream, but now it's a reality and we are celebrating the 22 anniversary, thanks to our heroic martyrs. Happy anniversary Massawa. God/Allah Bless Eritrea. Samson Negassi samson_negassi_at_yahoo.co.uk

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