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[dehai-news] (RT): Pushkin anniversary: Russia remembers its greatest poet

From: Haile Beyene <hbeyene_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 20:55:46 -0500


Pushkin anniversary: Russia remembers its greatest poet

Published: 10 February, 2012, 17:26

Portrait of Russian poet Aleksandr Pushkin by Vasily Tropinin.

If you’re still wondering where all the gentlemen have got to, the answer
is probably that they were killed in duels a century or two ago. Like
Russia's most beloved poet Aleksandr Pushkin.

Russia is marking the anniversary of the great wordsmith’s death on
February 10.

Known for being particularly sensitive about his honor, Pushkin died on
this day 175 years ago. He was fatally wounded in a duel in St. Petersburg
with military officer Georges d'Anthes. The name of the latter would
probably never have entered history if the Frenchman hadn’t tried to seduce
Pushkin’s wife and subsequently killed Russia’s greatest poet.

February 10th has become Pushkin Remembrance Day across Russia, especially
in the places where the poet lived and worked. His early death is still
regarded as a great loss for Russian literature.

The final days of Pushkin’s life were portrayed in the 2006 Russian
biopic *Pushkin:
The Last Duel*. The movie tells the thrilling story behind the rumors and
intrigue that surrounded Pushkin’s family, involving even the Tsar. The
film was directed by Natalya Bondarchuk.

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Received on Fri Feb 10 2012 - 22:36:56 EST
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