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[dehai-news] Inewp.com: Policy Shift observed as UK Invited Eritrea for Bilateral Talks and Investment

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 20:37:56 +0100

 <http://inewp.com/?p=11024> Policy Shift observed as UK Invited Eritrea for
Bilateral Talks and Investment

Posted on16 February 2012.

 <http://inewp.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/TES.jpg> Policy Shift observed
as UK Invited Eritrea for Bilateral Talks and Investment

By Foreign and Commonwealth Office,

Foreign Office Minister Henry Bellingham met with the Eritrean Delegation to
discuss a range of issues including the UK's bilateral relationship with

The Eritrean Foreign Minister, Osman Saleh, and Yemane Ghebreab, senior
political adviser to the President, visited the Foreign Office from 7-8

This was the first Eritrean ministerial visit to the UK.

The Eritrean Delegation met the Minister of Africa, Henry Bellingham, the
Secretary of State for International Development, Andrew Mitchell, and had
meetings with senior Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and UKBA

A range of issues were discussed including the UK's bilateral relationship
with Eritrea; regional security and stability; migration and piracy.

Mr Bellingham also underlined the importance the UK attaches to improvements
to human rights, including the case of the G11 (the group of 11
parliamentarians arrested in September 2001), and religious and press

Mr Bellingham also hosted a business roundtable for existing and potential
investors in which 22 companies participated. Discussion centred on
potential investment opportunities in the extractive (mining) industries,
infrastructure development, agriculture and financial services.


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Received on Thu Feb 16 2012 - 15:37:21 EST
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