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[dehai-news] One of my Ethiopian American Friend ( Brave ) sent me this from London Cafe...today

From: George Tesfa, Loan Officer <gtesfa_at_sbcglobal.net_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 15:52:20 -0600

Hi George How are you? You might say I am crazy and question my insanity ????? I took a leave of absence from work , and I am in London protesting the agame government of Meles Zenawi , I am writing you this from a small cafeteria near by , the demonstration is on full swing as we speak , Ethiopians as well as Somalis came from all over Europe , even US and Canada . The meeting is half way right now , from what we updated so far , the 50 countries in the meeting came into the same conclusion of PIA's 1996 , that Somalia's case can be only solved by Somalis , that the western prescription won't work , it is another victory for the truthful and honest leader of Eritrea and Eritrean people , they were able to see this 16 years ago , and the world just wake up to the reality in the ground in 2012 .The atmosphere and the number of people is invigorating , adrenalin is flowing like the Abbay river ........Meles was so ashamed he was not even able to take picture or give press conference at the entrance , ...people was shouting ..murderer , thief , NAZI , fascist , tigray apartheid , leba , chauvinist , racist , ..dawn with TPLF , long live Ethiopia , ......very loud , that you can hear it from 20 blocks away , few tigray people tried to counter our demonstration , but the ratio is almost 100:1 and they scare and left the scene , at the break we saw many dignitaries including Clinton in the entrance chit chatting with other diplomats , to each other and answering journalist questions ......the midget agame no where to be found , he is hiding inside , because if he shows his ugly face , he knows that the entrance area will erupt with loud demonstration as it happened when he was entering the building , the sound was like a thunder ... take care keep in touch!
Your friend
etty form London

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Received on Thu Feb 23 2012 - 22:41:09 EST
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