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[dehai-news] (GeorgianDaily) Georgia and the State of Eritrea established diplomatic relations

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 10:02:11 -0500


Georgia and the State of Eritrea established diplomatic relations
 February 24, 2012

*Permanent Mission of Georgia to the United Nations
New York, NY
February 24, 2011*

*Press Release*

Georgia and the State of Eritrea signed a joint protocol on the
establishment of diplomatic and consular relations today.

According to the joint protocol, the relations between the two states will
be guided by the principles of national sovereignty, respect of territorial
integrity and inviolability of frontiers of sovereign states, while seeking
development of political, economic, humanitarian and cultural ties.

The protocol was signed by H.E. Mr. Araya Desta, Permanent Representative
of Eritrea to the UN and by H.E. Mr. Alexander Lomaia, Permanent
Representative of Georgia to the UN.

The protocol signing ceremony was held in New York, at Georgia's Permanent
Mission to the UN.

According to the established practice, the sides notified H. E. Ban
Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General on the establishment of diplomatic relations
between the two countries by a joint letter.

Georgia has established diplomatic relations with 166 states.

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