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[dehai-news] Celebrate International Women's Day in Asmara

From: Tesfai Bahta <ykalo_at_tse.com.er_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2012 00:17:50 +0300

        North American Eritrean Community Association (NAECA) ???? -?? ?????
??????? ????? ???? Street 176-4, Number 34 (Behind City Hall, at ESMG bldg)
Asmara, Eritrea. Tel: 291-1-120886, E-mail: naeca_at_googlegroups.com NAECA
NEWSLETTER04/03/2012D E D I C A T E D T O S E R V I C ECelebrate
International Women's Day in Asmara.The North American Eritrean Association
(NAECA) will celebrate International Women's Day . NAECA has programmed a
Cultural Night for the occasion. All members, their families, friends and
visitors from the Diaspora are invited to an event of great entertainment.
There will be refreshments and food at your request.Our entertainers for the
evening will be the following superstar vocalists: -1. Robel Michael (Shkor)
2. Robel Isaq (Quonjitey)3. SiEd BerHanu (Hamad'e)Henok Tekle (nago) Date: -
Friday, 09/03/2012 Place: - Bologna Club (Expo), Asmara Time: - 8:00 PM
Donation: - 100 Nacfa For more information call: - 200886.Awet nHafash!NAECA
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Received on Sun Mar 04 2012 - 20:18:32 EST
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