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[dehai-news] OLF Flag flying across Oromia

From: Haile Beyene <hbeyene_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2012 23:47:23 -0500


Oromia-Ethiopia: OLF Flag Flies High in Oromiyaa in Resistance to TPLF
Military Occupation – Qeerroo News

March 5, 2012 at 2:47 am · Gadaa.com

Qeerroo News – In a clear defiance of the TPLF military occupation of
Oromiyaa, the National Youth Movement of Qeerroo Network has hung the OLF
flag in different parts of many cities in Oromiyaa. According to the report
sent with pictures of the OLF flag in public areas and main roads in
Naqamte, Gedo and other cities, it is to be understood that it is a big
blow to the TPLF regime, which recently enacted the so-called
“anti-terrorism law” and listed five organizations as “terrorists” as a way
to clamp down on dissents.

This act of heroism comes in spite of the ongoing mass imprisonments,
tortures and forced exiling of activists and civilians, accused of
encouraging and participating in the Qeerroo resistance.

The illegitimate government in Addis, which has been caught in big fear
with the ongoing movement, is engaged in routine and multiple checkpoints
in and around many suspected cities, including Ambo, deploying hundreds, if
not thousands, of soldiers. In the same news, in many towns of West Shoa
zone, the regimes cadres are troubling the residents with never-ending
public investigations and self-incriminating events in a bid to track the
Qeerroo network movement.

In the current scenario of the regime turning blind eye to the genuine
demand of the public and the intensified effort of the people inspired and
led by Qeerroo movement, the problem of the country is far from over. –
Qeerroo News

Qeerroo – Gumaacha Artistii Kabajamaa fi Jaallatamaa Hirphaa Gaanfuree:
“Ka’i, Oromo!”

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