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[dehai-news] Every Day is Women’s Day

From: <awetnayu_at_hotmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 20:22:40 -0700

Eritrea: Every
Day is Women’s Day

Amanuel Biedemariam

One of the hallmarks of
the Eritrean struggle is the determination to ensure social justice. In
Eritrea, one of the most intriguing ways the struggle adopted to changes has been
its ability to incorporate those changes by embracing the traditions, cultural,
regional, political and religious values of a given society en route to social
justice. Women’s Day is an international observance of the valuable role women
play; a day that acknowledges the hardship endured by women throughout the
history of mankind; to rejoice the progress women have made; to assess
directions and ultimately, to celebrate womanhood. As the famous quote states,
“All politics is local.” Given the vast diversity of cultures, regions,
traditions and religious values in Eritrea, how the people of Eritrea interpret
and implement equal-social-justice is truly a window into the maturity of the
Eritrean way of life.


To quote Shabait
editorial of March 3, 2012,

“Women’s Right in
Eritrea is not a theoretical move in which human rights is referred in the
country’s political program for aesthetic values, but rather, it is a
constituent of national security that has unequivocally been in effect. Gender
equality-cultural legacy that has been handed down since days of liberation
struggle-is a characteristic political treasure of which the Eritrean people
takes due pride. Based on this historical milieu, the question of women remains
in effect amongst the building blocks of national percepts.”


The quote above clearly
articulates the weight attached to women’s rights in Eritrea. Women’s rights
are a matter of national security and an integral foundation in the life of the
country. Eritrea can afford to boast with confidence because history attests to
the integral role women played in the struggle for liberation and thereafter at
all levels and in all fields. However, while the successes are pronounced and,
the ideals of gender equalities are generally accepted principles, there remain
pockets of inequalities that linger. Regardless, Eritrean women are far and
above their counterpart, based on their achievements and the roles they have
ensured within the Eritrean social fabric for decades consistently.


There are many fascinating
facets to the life of Eritrean women. The first being, how the people of
Eritrea view their roles and rights and secondly, how Eritrean women view their
place, roles and rights.


Eritrea has unique
history on how it has viewed and dealt with the issue of gender equality.
Compared to the US for example, Eritrea has done much better. The US has long
history of denying rights to minorities and women. There were American women
that served in major wars and were denied recognition until very-recently as in
the case of Vietnam War and World War II. The Vietnam Women's Memorial is a
great reminder since it is the first time, in 1993, that a memorial was
dedicated honoring women in military service.


In Eritrea’s
revolutionary struggle, women earned their roles and, as a result, were
accepted as equal partners from the beginning. Hence, Eritrea was founded on a
solid foundation regarding the ideals of gender equality. Eritrean women were
not, accorded special privileges or, handed favors in order to fill quotas and
statistical data. They earned their rightful place in society with blood, guts
and hard work. They earned it with sacrifices unmatched by any. Eritrean women
in the struggle, sacrificed more than any Eritrean because they gave-up so much
including their lives to ensure the freedom of Eritrea. They gave up their
youth and ability to wed and raise family amongst other things.


Hence, the role women
play in Eritrea today is rooted in the struggle. The struggle was incapable to
discriminate women since they were playing a pivotal role. They worked hand and
glove with their male counterpart in every field including combat. They earned
their stripes and the role they are in today, in glory. Therefore, the roles
they play and the positions they have at all levels dates back to the days of
the struggle. This history was repeated in 1998-2000 during the Ethiopian
invasion that took the lives of thousands of Eritreans.


Today in Eritrea, women
are notably visible in all sectors at high levels. Eritrean women hold major
positions of power and run them effectively. They are in the Air Force and in
all aspects of the national defense forces protecting Eritrea. They are in
Medicine as doctors, nurses’ practitioners and as teachers. They are in TV and
media as anchors, producers; in the agricultural sector as owners, in community
farming co-ops producing and selling agricultural products; they participate in
all of Eritrea’s retail outlets as owners and, they are in construction
operating heavy machinery. In short, there is no area out of reach to Eritrean


Eritrean Women are Masters of their Destiny

Eritrean women have
earned their rightful place in Eritrea. But that in itself is not enough to
sustain what they earned with blood. To ensure continuity, to build on their
successes and develop mechanism for equal access, opportunities and choice for
women; there needs to be organized and powerful women’s organizations in


Here again, Eritrea and
by extension Eritrean women can boast major achievements. Women in Eritrea have
more penetration into every facet of the society by default. For example, a
young Eritrean women can be a member of a national co-ed youth organization and
still be a member of women’s organization. These types of penetrations cut
through the entire spectrum of Eritrean societies. Generally, women that are
members of women’s organizations in Eritrea are members of other national
organizations. This accords them additional advantages since there exists no
gender-based organization for men.


Women in Eritrea are
organized, informed and powerful. They have the capacity to influence opinions,
to introduce and enact laws and to enforce it. It is also worth noting that
they have resources and means to help empower women throughout. Eritrean
women’s organizations are in the forefront building facilities; assisting women
in need; developing skills; equipping women with life-skills training and
tending to women’s needs in every way everywhere in Eritrea. The Diaspora
communities are important part of the web by contributing equally. This
foundation and the like have enabled Eritrea to minimize the need for
international NGO’s.


However, what I find
intriguing is how Eritrean women approach their issues, positions and roles.
Surprisingly, women in Eritrea have remained very close to their traditional
roles while embracing opportunities the independence of Eritrea brought to
bear. Obviously, the nation is going through constant transformation.
Tremendous adjustments are required to stay with the fast-paced change Eritrea
is going through. Yet, the customs, traditions and core beliefs remain the same
as they have for decades. The women remain the center of their families and the
nation while embracing the core values that make Eritrea work.



Women will always thrive
in Eritrea and attain successes beyond levels that African nations will not be
able to attain. The reason, Eritrean women have established deep roots. Above all,
the attitude about women is conducive to create an environment that nurtures
success. Most importantly, Eritrea’s commitment to gender equality is real and
unquestionable. Laws that empower women back this commitment. For example,
Eritrean women are accorded every right to land ownership. Traditionally land
was given to males and that is not the case in Eritrea today. While there are
enforceable laws that can foster change in attitudes legally, the people and
government have opted to encourage change by educating the public and,
empowering women. This is due to the sensitivities that surround the issues and
it is helping deter harmful traditional practices


I had a conversation
about this matter with an Eritrean mother who was involved with the UN in Eritrea
and dealt with these matters on a daily basis. After I asked her, how she
assessed Eritrea’s approaches? She said, “For the first time, we have
government that is concerned about the issues of women. We have government that
wants to ensure the health of pregnant mothers, children and the like. We have
been accorded the means and access to reach even remote areas that we were
never able to access in the past…”


Whilst, much has been
attained, more is required to ensure lasting satisfactory success. There needs
to be focus to ensure educational opportunities are availed, hardships
minimized and hurdles removed. We need to keep in mind, those that are being
wed prematurely in early ages and the like. Hence, our focus ought to make
“Every-day women’s day” since they are the catalyst and the engine of the
Eritrean life.


In a personal note, I
feel honored and remain humbled when I engage Eritrean women. Over the years, I
had the opportunity to deal with great women. And I know that gender equality
is not an issue because they run the show. I am proud of all the women that
have tirelessly kept our communities together in focus and in action. They are
doing fantastic job. Their commitment and tenacity is what keeps us glued as
one. For this special women’s day, I like to congratulate Eritrean women for
their brilliance, tenacity and for seeing Eritrea through many difficult phases
onto the current stage.





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