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[dehai-news] Shabait.com: Ministerial Cabinet meeting holds deliberations on development plans and programs vis-à-vis their implementation

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2012 19:49:05 +0100

Ministerial Cabinet meeting holds deliberations on development plans and
programs vis-à-vis their implementation

http://www.shabait.com/images/stories/pics/a-cabine-ministers-2.jpgAsmara, 9
March 2012 – A meeting of the Eritrean Cabinet of Ministers that convened
today in the State Palace conducted deliberations on development plans and
programs vis-à-vis their implementation for the next 8 months and beyond.

During discussion on implementation details sector by sector, the meeting
noted that the envisaged investment programs involving substantial capital
and machinery aim at ensuring sustainable economic growth to the benefit of
the Eritrean people. Commending the impressive development endeavors being
made by nationals inside the country and abroad, and particularly those
serving in remote corners, the Ministerial Cabinet meeting conducted
in-depth discussions on programs under implementation in each sector.


In briefings he gave at the meeting on national development strategy for
2012 and beyond, President Isaias Afwerki pointed out that a number of
projects would be undertaken with a view to ensuring sustainable economic
growth on the basis of a set timeframe and the requisite budget.

Proceeding to discussion on the work accomplishments of all the ministries
during the past four months, the meeting reviewed the performances

Regarding the activities of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Cabinet of
Ministers discussed programs set for implementation in the next few months
concerning cultivation of select seeds, soil and water conservation
activities, animal health and products, as well as forestation activities,
among others.

On activities of the Ministry of Public Works, the meeting received
briefings on the ongoing expansion and renovation of a number of public
works. The Cabinet of Ministers underlined the need to ensure effective
follow-up and control mechanism for such projects.

Following briefing on the putting in place of gas depots and cylinders in
various places coupled with the setting up of power lines and the like, the
meeting reviewed the progress made in the exploration and exploitation of
natural resources in the energy and mining sector.

Furthermore it called for concerted action on reinforcing activities towards
harnessing energy potentials and creating suitable ground for establishing
integrated solar, wind and geo-thermal potentialities, in addition to
exerting more effort to study and harness existing mineral resources.

In the sector of transport and communications, the Ministerial Cabinet
meeting stressed the need to ensure coordinated work methodology of
transport lines, capability, infrastructure setup, and the requisite energy
requirements thereof. Noting that developing viable air, land and sea
transport constitutes major yardstick of progress at the global level, the
meeting emphasized the need to work out effective control and monitoring

With regard to marine resources, the meeting took note of the fact that
activities undertaken to upgrade the traditional method of production, raise
the awareness of the public on maritime laws and plans to increase supply of
fish to be handled by the Fish Corporation and related matters did not
produce the desired objectives. In this connection, it underlined that the
maritime activities be revised and practical action programs be drawn up.

Concerning the activities of the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministerial
Cabinet underlined that different training programs are being provided in a
bid to bring about quality tourism services through raising public awareness
campaigns, as well as conducting studies on national heritage.

In its deliberations on trade and industry, the meeting took note of the
existing policies, outcome and future action plan, as well as their

As regards finance, the Ministerial Cabinet, following report on the annual
balance of national income and expenditure, conducted discussion on fiscal
activities envisaged towards balancing income and expenditure, besides
creating conducive environment for income-generating activities.

In its deliberations regarding activities of the Ministry of National
Development, it reviewed efforts made to improve the lifestyle of citizens
vis-à-vis the supply of consumer goods and services. It further stressed the
paramount importance of encouraging investment in relation with the demands
of national programs and design projects and their effective implementation.
Regarding planning, the meeting discussed the implementation of action
programs of the different ministries and their budgetary demands. The
meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers concluded today. More report on the
deliberations would be presented tomorrow.


Ministerial Cabinet meeting holds deliberations on development plans and
programs vis-à-vis their implementation

10 March 2012 - In continuation of its deliberations yesterday, the
Ministerial Council conducted extensive discussion on the activities of the
Ministry of Land, Water and Environment. It noted that the rectification of
the existing shortcomings regarding land management and regulation, the
abuse of land use, undertaking awareness raising campaign among the public
on proper land management, specifying the legal guidelines regarding land
use and ensuring effective land management are among the main tasks of the

Moreover, the Ministerial meeting conducted discussion on action programs
related to effective follow-up of the Government policy that land is state
owned, and as such it should be utilized in a manner that would benefit
present and future generations.

The meeting also discussed the enhancement of public participation in
education and ways of improving quality of education. Accordingly, it noted
that training programs are being provided to those students who did not get
passing marks in the National School Leaving Certificate Exams with a view
to translating into deeds the motto “zero sum wastage of human resources”.
The Ministerial Cabinet further took note of the fact that experts and
instructors are being brought from abroad to supplement the shortage of
teaching staff and upgrade the managerial capacity of higher institutions of

As regards health sector, the Cabinet of Ministers heard reports on the
existing provision of health services across the country and their scope of
distribution and resources. Thus, the construction of health centers and
clinics in the Administrative regions; reducing maternal and child mortality
rate beyond the Millennium Development Goals; controlling killer diseases
like that of HIV/AIDS; and above all introducing programs for upgrading the
capacity of health personnel. In this connection, the meeting reminded the
continuation of the aforementioned tasks.

In the domain of social security, the meeting assessed the accomplishments
registered as regards promoting social security through reducing
unemployment and reinforcing programs aimed at reducing dependency. In this
regard, the meeting took note of the various national policy initiatives in

Regarding the administration of justice, the Ministerial Cabinet meeting
assessed the level of services provided to the general public through
community magistrates and the courts across the country. It further
conducted discussion on strengthening the provision of services and
upgrading human resource capacity, in addition to publishing the basic legal
regulations, as well raising the awareness of citizens.

Furthermore, the Cabinet of Ministers held deliberations on the work and
implementation programs of the national media.
During its one day meeting, the Ministerial Cabinet also discussed the
mission and work programs of the Ministry of Local Government and its work
relations with the Regional Administrations and other line ministries.

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Received on Sat Mar 10 2012 - 20:59:56 EST
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