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[dehai-news] (VOA News) Ethiopia Military Aggression Diversionary Ploy, Says Eritrea

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 21:06:12 -0400


March 15, 2012 Ethiopia Military Aggression Diversionary Ploy, Says Eritrea

Peter Clottey

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Eritrean Information Minister Ali Abdu said Ethiopia’s admission of its
military attack is a calculated ploy to divert the international
community’s attention from its continuous 10-year occupation of Eritrean

He expressed little surprise that Ethiopia embarked on what he called “a
military bellicosity that encroaches on Eritrea’s sovereignty.”

Abdu said Eritrea is not to blame for what he said is Ethiopia’s failure to
resolve its internal crisis.

“By its own admission, it’s an aggression against the sovereignty of
Eritrean territory,” said Abdu. “The internal crisis in Ethiopia is due to
the marginalization and exclusion of minor Ethiopian groups [because] of
the regime’s narrow and backward policy of divide and rule being conducted
by the Ethiopian regime.”

Ethiopia announced its forces attacked a military base inside Eritrea as an
act of retaliation after accusing its neighbor of sponsoring groups that
have carried out attacks inside Ethiopia.

Ethiopian government spokesman Shimeles Kemal said Ethiopian troops moved
16 kilometers into Eritrea early Thursday and launched what he called a
“successful attack” against two military posts used by “subversive groups.”

Ethiopia has often accused Eritrea of backing rebel groups that attack
targets in Ethiopia's Afar area. But, Abdu said Ethiopia’s accusations
that Eritrea supports terrorism are like accusing (inventor) Thomas Edison
of supporting darkness.

“We have fought terrorism long ago before it became the talk of the town
for politicians… and who are these terrorist subversive groups?” asked
Abdu. “Almost all Ethiopians are fighting against the regime for the
obvious reason because the regime is pursuing a narrow, corrupted policy,
which services a very small family of the elite.”

Abdu said Asmara resists being dragged into “this kind of acrimony and
provocation.” He said the Eritrean government is pondering its next line
of action.

In its “final and binding” ruling on April 13th 2002, the UN-backed
Eritrean and Ethiopian Border Commission awarded the town of Badme to
Eritrea. But, Asmara insists Addis Ababa has repeatedly refused to
implement the ruling.

Abdu said the UN Security Council has yet to take disciplinary action
against Ethiopia’s decision to ignore the ruling for the past 10 years,
despite Asmara’s repeated requests.

“We have been asking the Security Council to take serious measures against
the Ethiopian regime, which is occupying our sovereign territory. The
United Nations has not fulfilled this mandate and has not taken necessary
measures,” said Abdu. “The United Nations should take action, legal
punitive measures against the Ethiopian regime for its violations against
the Eritrean and Ethiopian Border Commission verdict.”

The United States has urged both sides to exercise restraint. State
Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Washington is seeking further
clarification from Ethiopia about its intentions.

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Received on Thu Mar 15 2012 - 21:23:44 EDT
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