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[dehai-news] (EuropeOnline) Italy condemns Ethiopian attack on Eritrea

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 09:59:49 -0400


 Italy condemns Ethiopian attack on Eritrea

Rome (dpa) - The Italian government on Friday condemned an attack by
Ethiopia on neighbouring Eritrea, and appealed to the two Horn of Africa
nations to refrain from other violent acts against each other.

The Foreign Ministry in Rome was following with "deep concern" news of the
foray launched by Ethiopian troops into Eritrean territory, it said in a

Ethiopia said on Thursday it sent troops 16 kilometres into Eritrean
territory to attack camps run by "subversive groups." Ethiopia often
accuses Asmara of aiding rebel groups hostile to Addis Ababa.

"Firmly condemning every recourse to violence", the Ministry appealed to
the two sides "to refrain from other measures that violate fundamental
principles of international co-existence."

The statement also referred to the need for both countries to fully
implement the Algiers Agreement to end a border war fought from 1998 to
2000 between Eritrea and Ethiopia - both of which are former Italian
colonies. Their shared border is still poorly defined.

The war left over 100,000 people dead and the two remain arch-rivals. dpa
pwm shg cfn hl Authors: Peter Mayer

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