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[dehai-news] (AGE, UK) Ethiopia’s Attack Against Eritrea:A Reckless Act

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 10:20:30 -0400

Ethiopia’s Attack Against Eritrea: A Reckless Act
AGE Press Release 17 March 2012
 On March 15, 2012, the Ethiopian Government announced that it had launched
an attack deep inside Eritrean territory in a purported retaliation to the
abduction and killing of tourists in the Afar region by rebels that they
claim are supported by Eritrea.
 In 2007, the Ethiopian Government had accused Eritrea of direct
involvement in the abduction of five Europeans and thirteen Ethiopians by
the same group. Nevertheless, an American diplomatic cable confirmed that
not only did Eritrea have nothing to do with the kidnapping, but it in fact
played an active role in securing the release of the hostages. The American
Ambassador in Eritrea wrote that he had no ‘basis for believing Eritrea
either ordered or orchestrated the kidnapping’. The ambassador further
 *“The GSE (Government of the State of Eritrea) played a facilitating role
in the release of the European abductees and for that the British, French,
and Italian Ambassadors are all grateful.”*
 The Ethiopian government continues to blame Eritrea for all the ills in
Ethiopia based on fabricated evidence. This fabricated evidence then
becomes the basis for the UN to impose unfair and unjust sanctions against
Eritrea, including an arms embargo. While Eritrea has its hand tied behind
its back as a result, Ethiopia is attacking with impunity and flagrant
violation of the UN Charter. The UN Security Council is violating Eritrea’s
right to self-defence as guaranteed by Article 51 of the UN Charter.
 AGE deplores the fact that there has been no condemnation of Ethiopia’s
reckless action whatsoever. The UN, US, EU and others have released
statements calling on both countries to show maximum restraints,
essentially equating the victim and perpetuator in an attempt to appeal to
a perverted sense of fairness. These statements undermine the prospects of
peace and are a serious abdication of responsibility on the part of the
international community. The Ethiopian government is committing such
flagrant aggression knowing full well that its dangerous and irresponsible
actions will be tolerated and even excused as has been happening for over a
 Ten years after the Eritrea Ethiopia Boundary Commission delivered its
verdict, Ethiopia still occupies sovereign Eritrean territories by force
and in violation of international law. The UN Security Council and
guarantors of the agreement have, to this day, refused to shoulder their
responsibility of enforcing the final and binding verdict of the Eritrea
Ethiopia Boundary Commission. As a result of their inaction, Ethiopia
remained intransigent and continues to cause great turmoil in our region.
On the contrary, in what can only be described as a bizarre miscarriage of
justice, the UN Security Council was quick to impose sanctions against
Eritrea on dubious grounds and unsubstantiated evidence.
 For the sake of peace and security in the region and the reinforcement of
justice and the law as a basis of civilised behaviour of nations, we call
upon the UN Security Council to condemn and reprimand Ethiopia for its
aggression against a UN Member State and to call for Ethiopia to
unreservedly implement the final and binding Algiers agreement. The silence
of the UN Security Council as well as the wider international community has
encouraged the Ethiopian Government to continue with its highly dangerous
and provocative adventure that will only bring instability in the Horn of
Africa. We strongly believe that the consequences of this instability will
not only bring death and destruction to the people of our region but its
effects will be felt well beyond the Horn region. It is therefore in the
interest of everyone that the UN and the world send a strong message to
Ethiopia to cease and desist warmongering in the Horn of Africa and
withdraw from Eritrean territory.
 We also wish to commend the Eritrean Government for the restraint it has
shown in the face of such provocative action and we hope that it continues
to exercise maximum restraint.
 We call upon Eritreans worldwide to be vigilant and prepared for any
eventuality to defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Eritrea
that was brought about and continues to be safeguarded by heavy sacrifice.

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Received on Mon Mar 19 2012 - 15:44:13 EDT
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