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[dehai-news] (UN_Dispatch) UN Security council silent on Ethiopia’s open aggression against Eritrea

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 12:56:02 -0400


Ethiopia and Eritrea: At it Again…And No One Seems to Care

March 19, 2012

Hayes Brown

Category: Security

Topics: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Security Council

Despite a normally watchful eye on the events of the African continent, the
UN Security Council has been silent in recent days on a recent flare-up in
tensions on the Horn. One of the few conflicts to earn the title
“intractable”, Ethiopia and Eritrea have been mortal enemies since the
latter gained its independence from the former in 1993. Following the
split, the two fought a lengthy border war, which only ended with the
Algiers Accords’ signature in 2000. Since then, the relative peace between
the two has only experienced upticks in aggressive rhetoric, with the
nation’s armed forces focused elsewhere.

That changed on Thursday, as Ethiopian forces launched an expedition across
the disputed border. According to Addis Ababa, the ground incursion, 18
kilometers across the border, was in reprisal for Eritrea’s providing
training and material support to groups that have attacked civilians in
Ethiopia. A follow-up attack was launched on Saturday. It seems that Asmara
isn’t buying Ethiopia’s reasoning, countering that the attacks on Eritrean
military bases were in relation to the unresolved border issues the two
face, not any internal issues Ethiopia may or may not be having.

No matter the reasoning, the idea of a renewed shooting war between the two
should be enough to raise a greater level of concern than is currently
being expressed by the international community. Such an outbreak in
violence would have ripple effects across the region, threatening what
little progress has been made in pushing back al-Shabab in Somalia since
Kenyan and Ethiopian forces invaded in October. While the Ethiopian troops
have pulled back from aiding the newly upgraded AMISOM mission, an influx
of fighters rushing to back Eritrea would likely come through Somalia,
leaving a trail of new weapons behind.

Eritrea has expressed its outrage at Ethiopia’s actions, and the seeming
impunity it has been given by the world, demanding the Security Council
condemn the Ethiopian attack. At Turtle Bay, the Eritrean Ambassador
submitted a letter calling for action to the Security Council, distributed
by United Kingdom’s Permanent Representative, Mark Lyall Grant, in his role
as Council President for March. Inner City Press obtained a copy of the
letter, which shows just how unlikely Eritrea believes Council intervention
to be:

The people and Government of Eritrea shall not entertain and will not be
entrapped by deceitful ploys that are aimed at derailing and eclipsing the
fundamental issues. But how long will the UN Security Council continue to
tolerate the flouting of the rule of law and the blatant violation of the
sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of a Member State?

In the event, the Government of Eritrea urges, for the umpteenth time, the
UN Security Council to shoulder its legal and moral responsibilities and to
take appropriate measures to rectify acts of aggression against Eritrea’s
sovereign territories and to ensure justice and the respect of the rule of

Despite this outreach, the UN Security Council has been silent on the
matter, and is likely to remain so. This is likely for several reasons.
First, the Council has found itself spurned by Eritrea in the past.
Following the 2000 peace agreement, a UN peacekeeping force called the UN
Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) was set up to monitor the
situation. After increasingly restrictive conditions from Eritrea,
including the cutting of logistical routes, the UN Security
Council begrudgingly sunset the mission in 2008. There is no love lost
between the two, also, due to Security Council sanctions on Eritrea
for supporting al-Shabab despite prevailing arms embargoes.

Second, the issue is unlikely to be pressed by any of the Permanent Members
for swift action. In its role as the President, the UK has yet to call for
any meetings on the matter, and has stated that its focus this month will
be on the Middle East. Once the United States takes up the Presidency in
April, it will likely focus the status of Sudan and South Sudan, which are
personal projects of Ambassador Susan Rice. Further, the United States is a
strong ally of Ethiopia for its role in countering the spread of terrorism
in the Horn. That leaves France, which is spending its diplomatic clout on
getting a stronger resolution on Syria out of Russia and China.

Of the non-permanent states, while the African Union has called for calm
between Ethiopia and Eritrea, South Africa and Togo have yet to echo the
call from the Security Council. Barring a strong push by the two sub-Sahara
African non-permanent members, it’s unlikely a sense of urgency will
permeate the situation.

So how low a priority is this situation to the Security Council? The only
consultations, formal or informal, on the agenda for today is a previously
scheduled discussion on the Council’s working methods. While the UN
observer in me is pleased to see that they recognize a need for an update,
it doesn’t lend a sense that a quick resolution is forthcoming. Eritrea
has stayed its hand militarily for now; there have been no reprisals as of
yet by the Eritrean army or proxies. It is uncertain whether that will
remain true should another raid take place.

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