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[dehai-news] Press Release: 8th Annual conference held by Young People's Front for Democracy & Justice will take place on April 5-9 in Sweden.

From: YPFDJ Media & Info <media_at_youngpfdj.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 23:27:03 +0100

Press Release


March 19, 2012

Young People's Front for Democracy & Justice


The 8th Annual conference held by Young People's Front for Democracy &
Justice will take place on April 5-9 in Sweden.

Final preparations are underway to host close to 800 Eritrean youth from all
parts of Europe including worldwide participants from North America, Middle
East, Eritrea and other African nations.

The youth conference which is unique in its kind and nature has attracted
hundreds of active youth who would like to create a vibrant youth activities
and organisation which can critically analyse the myriad issues facing in
their daily lives and would like to change their environment in an organised

The aim of the conference is to offer a platform to evaluate the progress
and development of the movement in general and the chapters in particular.
Further, the conference provides the opportunity for Eritrean youth in
Diaspora, spread across four continents, to network and build long-term
relations as they fulfil their commitment to serve their nation. This year's
topics will reflect on how to cohesively implement the YPFDJ Strategic Plan,
gain a better understanding of the political road ahead in Eritrea, and
agree on a 'a volunteer service and internship' programme in Eritrea. To
ensure a common and deeper understanding of each topic, lectures, debates,
and group discussions will be conducted between the youth, Eritrean decision
makers and the Eritrean community.

The conference will also provide a platform to address all current affairs
issues that affects our society and interact with high-level delegates and
ask any questions.

For any queries please send an email to <mailto:conference_at_youngpfdj.com>


Awet N'Hafash !

8th Euro YPFDJ Conference Organising Committee





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