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[dehai-news] NUEW- Greater Vancouver International Women's Day event concludes with great energy!

From: samuel Igbu <ypfdjbc_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 15:28:34 -0700

The NUEW branch of Vancouver, BC held a successful cultural evening on
March 17th, 2011 celebrating the occasion of International Womens Day. The
event was graced by Mrs. Mulu Beiene, and, YPFDJBC's own Sophia Salem
giving the Eritrean Community a brief presentation regarding the meaning of
this day and the role of Eritrean women in the armed-struggle at large.
Our entertainment for the evening; the Portland based legendary singer
Aklilu Foto(Tefeno) accompanied with Keyboard player Sami played
folklore-cultural songs in Tigrinya, and Tigre reflecting International
Womens Day. The participants expressed their satisfaction of the way the
event was organized and pledged to play active role in the future events
such as this that reinforces unity.

*YPFDJ British Columbia Chapter*
 YPFDJ Goal and Purpose
   - Our goal is to build a strong, conscious and patriotic youth movement.
 Our purpose is:
   - To raise the awareness and level of organisation of Eritrean youth to
   serve our nation
   - To reassert the identity, patriotism and unity of Eritrean youth
   - To promote the participation of Eritrean Youth in the national
   reconstruction of Eritrea as well as guarding the sovereignty of Eritrea
   - To enhance the position and influence of Eritrean Youth in their
   respective countries of residence.

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(image/jpeg attachment: nuewsceleb.jpg)

Received on Wed Mar 21 2012 - 03:06:28 EDT
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