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[dehai-news] Horn of Africa Terrorist Meles Zenawi

From: <awetnayu_at_hotmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 20:34:23 -0600

Horn of Africa
Terrorist Meles Zenawi



the last 10 years since September 11, 2011, the War on Terror has dramatically
changed its meaning particularly when the minority genocidal regime in
Ethiopia, with the blessing and financing of the US, is manipulating, using and
abusing it. For the minority regime of Meles Zenawi, terrorism and the war on
terror has become a blessing giving him freedom to abuse the Ethiopian people
and commit acts of aggression everywhere in the region in the name of fighting
terror. In the past three years in particular, the extent to which Meles Zenawi
has used terrorism in malice has become a shameful reminder of how flowed,
misguided, brutal, inhuman and downright cruel Western policies are in the Horn
of Africa. It is also a true reflection, how complicit Western-media and
individuals that claim to be humanitarian are in pursuing these flawed


March 15, 2012, Ethiopia’s Indoctrination and Public Relation Center Head
with the Defense Ministry, Col. Gebrekidan Gebremariam told journalists,


defense force successfully annihilated the destructive force of the Eritrean
government based in Ramid, Gelahben and Gembe areas which are close to the
Ethiopian border. Ethiopian defense force would continue to take such measures
until the Eritrean government and its mercenaries refrain from their subversive


the statement above, the genocidal minority regime openly admitted that it
committed acts of aggression, in other words, acts of terror on the people of
Eritrea and boasted to the international community.


reality remains; the minority regime has over the last ten years flouted
international laws by occupying sovereign Eritrean territories in violation of
a treaty it signed. As a result, the people of Eritrea, Ethiopia and by
extension the people of the region have been denied peace, denied opportunities
to trade freely and for Ethiopians, it has been double whammy because, they
have been subjected to high priced-scarce-commodities and, lost opportunities
for employment as a result of this ill willed irresponsible actions.


minority genocidal regime is a pariah of the people in the Horn of Africa
without exception. The people of Gambella are being displaced from their homes
in droves to accommodate millionaires in a land-grab that has become a daily
global headline. Genocide-Watch has documented genocidal acts in Gambella and,
the regime stands accused for crimes against humanity. The regime is accused by
human rights organizations for genocide and massive displacement, torture,
systemic suffocation of large populations in the Oganden. The people of Oromo
have waged armed struggle for decades. The atrocities in all parts of Ethiopia
are, well documented. In addition, Ethiopians are starving unnecessarily. Just
in 2011 alone, the UN was seeking aid for over five million Ethiopians
while the minority regime was purchasing arms and engaging in military
adventures all over the region with no end in sight. What the genocidal
minority regime of Meles Zenawi has done is on record and it is criminal by all


this is exposing the hypocrisy, duplicity and complicity of Western nations,
individuals that claim to be humanitarians like George Clooney and
John Prendergast that are bolstering their celebrity status using select
strategic African agendas. It also exposes western media and journalists that
support Clooney and ilk. Ironically, it is all coming to play at once for the
world to see.


an article released by New York Times Feb.29, John Prendergast wrote,


existing peace effort between Sudan and South Sudan lacks leverage to compel
the parties to consider reasonable proposals to deal with oil revenue and
disputed border territories. To create leverage, a new core group (including
China, Ethiopia, Turkey, the U.S. and a few other influential states) should be
formed to provide high-level support to the current African Union/United
Nations peace initiative. President Obama should quietly send a high-ranking
official to Beijing to work out the terms of Sino-American cooperation.”


to the splitting of South Sudan from Sudan, John Prendergast and George Clooney
were hitting the talk show circuits selling Americans the panacea the
referendum of South Sudan was. Today, the duo are hitting the circles one more
time including a presidential visit, meetings with senators and Secretary
Clinton in a high powered drama that included an arrest in front of the
Sudanese Embassy.


good humanitarian deeds are welcome. However, these duos are politicians
disguised as humanitarian that are cherry-picking issues of interest when it
suits their agendas. In one hand, they want to help the South Sudan while on
the other bolstering the minority regime for their agenda as highlighted by the
quote. Ethiopia is important to Prendergast because it can help his South Sudan
agenda in many ways. Hence, the criminal humanitarian violations of the
minority regime, the human rights violations in the Oganden, Gambella, Afar and
Oromia are overlooked. The bloodshed and atrocities Ethiopia keeps committing
in Somalia means nothing. Ethiopia is a nation at war with itself and the
region. And all these atrocities by Ethiopia are overlooked, because as
Prendergast stated, Ethiopia is important.


is important to bring this in relation to the criminal Meles’s regime because
overtime, what is becoming clearer to the people of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Kenya
and others in the Horn is that, when people like George Clooney and Prendergast
talk humanitarian, there is nothing human about it. It is a process in pursuit
of an agenda that works in concert with the State Department, the White House,
US at the UN and, all the media outlets at their disposal including, Sunday
talk-show circles. In less than a week-period, John Prendergast and George
Clooney managed to meet all the people they need to meet, got-jailed and
received unprecedented publicity for it; attended Sunday talk programs...Their
actions received international and unchallenged coverage and, hailed as heroes.
The media coverage was like clockwork.


this clearly shows is that the people in the Horn of Africa, no matter how many
vigils they conduct, demonstrations and petitions they make, their
effectiveness will be limited. Absent of George Clooney’s star power and
influence, no cause stands a chance. Moreover, when the cause Africans are
fighting for, like the one Ethiopians, Eritreans, and Somalis are fighting
against the genocidal regime clashes with that of George Clooney and John
Prendergast; there is nowhere left but to pray to the almighty God to give you
power for a fighting chance.


people in the Horn of Africa are good people yearning for peace, stability,
decent-education for their kids, development and employment. In short, they are
fighting for a future with decent standard of living. They want to join the
international community but not as terrorists, warmongering-clans,
tribal-ethnic groups, feuding parties and religious extremists.


the ethnic minority genocidal regime of Meles Zenawi is portraying every
Ethiopian opposition, ethnic-groups fighting the regime, Eritrea, the Somalis,
human rights activists, journalists as terrorists in an effort to remain in
power, unchallenged.


2011, the genocidal regime sentenced many Ethiopians in the Diaspora for
terrorism in absentia. These are upstanding citizens gainfully employed as
professionals in many areas. There are professors, media people, activists etc…
In the same manner, Meles has listed Eritreans and Somalis.


short sighted-irresponsible act will blemish the outstanding communities that
have-had stellar reputation in the West for decades. He is stigmatizing adored
and respected Ethiopian, Eritrean and Somali communities with lies, in malice.
For example, Ethiopian restaurants are very popular in the metro DC area; why
infuse an image to tarnish it. Because once stigmatized, it will be extremely
difficult to change that image.


worse, that is how international media portrays the Horn of Africa. It falls
within the geopolitical objectives of the West that tries to portray the region
as hungry, poor and war ravaged when the area is rich with resources in one of
the strategic focal locations in the world. It is also a region full of culture
traditions, customs and history. The people of the region are very experienced
as documented in religious history.


when the genocidal minority regime announced it committed its terrorist act on
sovereign Eritrean soil, nearly every newspaper wrote the same story with
almost identical verbiage. It regurgitated what the genocidal regime claimed
and added these are poor countries, which have been at war for decades…


are stories that presented little or no information about the intricacies of
the matter and US involvement in the region. It talks nothing about the
genocidal record of the regime. It simply accepted the news and relayed them as
is. The reason for that are these newspapers and media outlets, do not care
about the issues they report on. If you ask any one reporter, do you care; or
ask, them how much effort they put on the report, they will have to say no and
none! They are not invested on the
stories; they just copy each other, report the same story that reaches
millions, and misinform the public while pushing agendas.



recent bellicose terrorist act of the genocidal regime in Ethiopia is clear
evidence that showed the world that the real terrorist of the Horn of Africa is
Meles Zenawi. The genocidal regime openly admitted to the world that it
committed a terrorist act on the people of Eritrea and bragged about it. And
the very people that convicted Eritrea for a “conflict” with Djibouti (the US)
without any due process while Eritrea was contesting their claim are mum when
the mercenary genocidal regime is openly admitting of terrorist act against the
people of Eritrea.


people in the Horn of Africa have long known who the real terrorist of the
region is. They also know why the criminal regime is doing it with impunity.
The minority regime is fully supported by the US and Western nations with a
green light to do anything. However, as time goes on, it is becoming clearer
that the actions of the regime have made Ethiopia a frail country and in the
near future, the frailty will show itself.


it is time for the US and others to make a choice and the choice is clear; is
it the election-rigging genocidal Meles Zenawi or, the people of Ethiopia and
by extension the stability of the region. The US has been dumping billions of
dollars at the expense of the people of Ethiopia and the region in support of
this criminal regime. It is sad to see an administration that came to office
with promise of change deliver change for the worse.


people of Eritrea have shown tremendous wisdom by opting to not react since
they know the bellicosity is entrapment that will give the regime a lifeline
that it is desperate for. This belligerent bellicose action is also a signal to
all peace loving people of the Horn to come together to oust the criminal TPLF
regime in order to start fresh. Since its actions are evidence of desperation
and proud-cry for help. And it is up to all of the people in the Horn since
there will be no Hollywood star-power-support to save them from eminent chaos
if they do not!













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