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[dehai-news] NUEYS participates in Global Youth Forum as PYU Vice-President

From: NUEYS Eritrea <nueyspub2001_at_yahoo.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 00:37:52 -0700 (PDT)

NUEYS participates in Global Youth Forum as PYU Vice-President   The National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students (NUEYS) participated in the “Youth 21: Building for Change” Global Youth Leadership Forum from 15-18 March 2012, in Nairobi, Kenya. Held at the United Nations Headquarters in Nairobi, the invitation was extended to NUEYS to participate in its capacity as the Vice-President of the Pan African Youth Union (PYU) for East Africa/Indian Ocean.   This forum was organized in two parts: the first two days organized under the title “Building for Change Multi-Stakeholder Meeting, and the last two days under the title “Global Youth Leadership Forum on Inclusive Governance.” Besides the participation of some 200 youth leaders from different parts of the world, other important participants of the forum included the former president of South Africa, H.E. Thabo Mbeki; the former vice-president of Costa Rica, now the UN Under-Secretary General and Associate Administrator of UNDP, H.E. Rebeca Gyrnspan; and Emmanuel Jal, South Sudanese musician peace activist who was a former child soldier. During this forum, the NUEYS representative took part in a panel discussion on “Intergenerational Dialogue on Africa for Youth Socio-Economic and Political Participation.” Participating in this forum proved to be a great opportunity for NUEYS to meet with heads of National Youth Councils, especially those throughout East Africa and the Indian Ocean, as well as other youth organizations from throughout the region.

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Received on Fri Mar 23 2012 - 09:52:36 EDT
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