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[dehai-news] (Community) Local Eritrean artist G-Man doing his bit to mix it up

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 20:23:17 -0400

Remix and General Background:

The rapper featured in this remix is K'naan, a Somali-American rapper
who is World renowned and is also best known for his World Cup 2010
anthem 'Waving the Flag'. For his resent CD release, K'naan put a
remix competition where about 540 DJs, MCs, Singers, and Musicians
from around the world submitted remixes using either just K'naan's
tracks or blending in their own tracks.

The featured remix in this article is a remix/blend done by an
Eritrean-American Singer and Musician called G-Man based out of
Washington, DC. He is a long time Eritrean-American community member
and is a former Keyih Imbaba-DC and KifliBahili-DC member during the
struggle for Eritrea's Independence and is known for playing keyboards
with various artists around the United States with Eritrean singers
such as Hagos Berhane, Sami Berhane and Luel Fessahaye among the more
known ones. He's also a founding member of the Bare Feet Band, a DC
based Reggae Band. Among other things, Dehai readers might know him
from the early days of Dehai.org as part of the founding committee in
the early ninteen-nineties while he was a student at the University of

In this remix/blend, G-Man infuses audio tracks from K'naans release
"Got Nothing To Loose featuring Nas' with his recent demo release
called "Peace Yes, War No". The submission features prominently the
theme of Peace over War and the K’naan’s war victim and refugee
history which is similar to that of G-Man's and many people from the
Horn of Africa who settled in the United States. The main featured
sub-theme is very relevant to the extra-ordinary effort that must be
made . Efforts to gain peace are not easy but that they must be
pursued no matter what. K’naan’s chorus emphasizes “nothing to loose”
with a hook like repetition on “difficulty is an excuse that history
never fogives.” The entire remix/blend is background and emphasized
with G-Man’s hook which is a chant many Eritrean-Americans and others
have uttered on many occasions to try and gain a hearing for peace in
the Horn-of-Africa: “Peace YES! , War NO!

To listen and vote for G-Man's remix/blend on K'naan's competition, go
to the following link and press like on the FB link as well as
clicking on the vote button on the bottom right:


For background on G-Man's music, go to:

Check out this submission in K'naan - "Nothing To Lose" Remix Contest
on Indaba Music


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Received on Fri Mar 23 2012 - 22:38:33 EDT
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